


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥305
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-28)
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摘    要
本次毕业设计个人财务管理系统基于ASP.NET, 以SQL Server 2012作为数据库工具,以Visual Studio 2012进行界面设计、系统设计与开发,设计完成的。

关键词:个人财务管理系统;C#;SQL数据库;ASP.NET;Visual Studio


 Personally Financial Management System

The current society, a large part of young people's financial awareness is relatively weak, and lack of knowledge. At the same time, the market is facing financial management software most enterprise, or have special use .facing common user's personal financial management system is extremely scarce. In order to meet the needs of ordinary users, especially developed this software.
Personal financial management system's main function is to achieve financial management systematization, standardization and automation. The financial management system is divided into the user management module, system management module, the revenue and expenditure management module, borrow and lend management module, to be purchased management module, fund management module, financial statistics module seven modules to achieve accounting reminders, user management, financial tracking, budgeting, statistical analysis, small tools and other functions, help users better manage their personal finances.
The graduation project personal financial management system based on ASP.NET, with SQL Server 2012 as the database tools and Visual Studio 2012 for interface design, system design and development.
This article uses life-cycle approach, "top-down" on the development of systems to complete a needs analysis, system functional requirements, and then outline the system design and detailed design, to determine the system function modules, the basic process, storage structure, basic interface. Followed by application development tools on the system design, coding, debugging and other operations, and ultimately achieve personal financial system functional.

Key Words:Personal Financial Management System; C#; SQL Server; ASP.NET; Visual Studio


目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract 1
引    言 4
1  开发目的和核心技术介绍 5
1.1  系统目的和目标 5
1.2  开发工具简介 6
1.2.1  Microsoft Visual Studio简介 6
1.2.2  C#简介 6
1.2.3  ASP.NET简介 7
1.2.4  SQL Server 10
2  系统分析 10
2.1  可行性分析 10
2.2  用户需求分析 12
2.3  业务流程分析 12
2.4  数据流程分析 13
3 系统总体设计 14
3.1  系统总体结构设计 15
3.2  功能模块设计 15
3.3  数据类的设计 17
3.4  数据库设计 21
3.4.1  概念结构设计 22
3.4.2  逻辑结构设计 23
4  系统详细设计 26
4.1  用户管理模块 26
4.2  系统管理模块 28
4.3  收支管理模块 31
4.4  借贷管理模块 33
4.5  待购管理模块 34
4.6  资金管理模块 36
4.7  财务统计模块 37
5  系统实现 37
5.1  界面实现 37
5.2  功能实现 39
6  系统测试 41
6.1  测试目的和意义 41
6.2  测试原则 42
6.3  测试用例 43
结    论 45
参 考 文 献 46
致    谢 47

参 考 文 献
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  • 关键词 个人 财务 管理系统
  • 上一篇:集成CRM系统的企业网站的设计与开发
  • 下一篇:个人理财管理系统的设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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