


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥310
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-25)
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The Design of student apartment security system
Abstract:With the rapid development of the national economy, social science and technology, the rapid improvement of living standards, people's life is getting faster and faster, many houses during the day there have been a long time unattended this phenomenon. Long-term unattended housing this worry, to promote the domestic fire and anti-theft equipment, a large number of demand, caused by China's fire, theft security from scratch, from simple to complex, change the evolution of a single intelligent process. Fire security is not only used in large shopping malls, libraries, residential apartments and other occasions, student apartments in this densely populated location of intelligent security work is also particularly important. The current security system on the market, mostly for large warehouses, high-grade office buildings, hotels, restaurants and other design, the use of regional centralized alarm control methods, with a wide area, complex system, the higher cost characteristics. The student apartment area is small, simple structure, obviously not suitable for taking the above arming method. So the design of a low cost, practical value of the student apartment fire security system is necessary. This paper is a kind of STC89C52RC single core as the core of the fire burglar alarm, real-time display of the current temperature, the choice of temperature sensors, smoke sensors, pyroelectric infrared sensor for the detection components. Excessive temperature, flammable gas exceeded, detected the phenomenon of foreign personnel intrusion, the sensor once detected, the signal will be passed into the microcontroller for processing, single-chip processing is completed, the alarm circuit, the sound and light one of the alarm. According to the specific circumstances, free to set the alarm temperature value. With arm and disarm button, easy to control. Designed to have a mandatory alarm function, in the face of unpredictable emergency situations can be manually alarm. In order to meet the needs of remote real-time monitoring, set up the GSM module, in the event of an emergency, the alarm system will not only sound and light alarm in the scene of the accident, and will send a text message to inform students or dormitories, to achieve the student apartment remote Real-time monitoring purposes. In this paper, the main functions and characteristics of the security system are analyzed from hardware to software, and the working principle, design idea and realization process of the alarm system are expounded. Proving the feasibility of this program.
Keywords: microcontroller; pyroelectric infrared sensor; GSM module; smoke sensor;

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景及意义 1
1.2 报警系统国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题设计技术特点 2
1.4 课题研究的任务与要求 2
第二章 系统总体设计 4
2.1 系统实现的功能 4
2.2系统框图 4
第三章 系统硬件设计 5
3.1 单片机最小系统电路 5
3.1.1 单片机STC89C52RC 5
3.1.2 复位电路 7
3.1.2 时钟震荡电路 7
3.2 按键电路 8
3.3 蜂鸣器电路 8
3.4 显示电路 8
3.4.1 LED灯光报警电路 8
3.4.2 数码管显示 9
3.5 温度检测模块 10
3.5.1 DS18B20温度传感器简介 10
3.5.2 DS18B20硬件电路 11
3.6 人体检测模块 11
3.6.1 热释电红外传感器简介 11
3.6.2 HC-SR501硬件电路 14
3.4 烟雾检测模块 14
3.7.1 MQ-2烟雾传感器简介 14
3.7.2 MQ-2烟雾传感器硬件电路 15
3.8 通信模块 16
3.8.1 sim900a通信模块简介 16
3.8.2 sim900a模块硬件电路 17
3.9 硬件总图 17
3.10 元器件清单 18
第四章 系统软件设计 19
4.1 主程序 19
4.2 按键程序 20
4.3 温度检测模块 23
4.4 烟雾检测模块 26
4.5 人体检测模块 27
4.6 sim900a模块 28
第五章 系统联调 34
5.1仿真软件简介 34
5.2仿真功能演示 34
第六章 总结与展望 37
参考文献 38

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  • 关键词 学生公寓 智能 安全防范 构建
  • 上一篇:个人计算机网络安全与防范
  • 下一篇:中小企业网络规划与设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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