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基于ASP.Net技术停车场计费管理系统的设计  代做计算机毕业设计多少钱?

摘要:如今是信息化时代,信息化管理可以使企业信息 管理工作更加系统化、快速化、全面化。这样可以为企业带来较高的工作效益和经济效益,在提高工作效率的基础上,可以考虑减少企业信息管理人员的数量,本系统对计算机配置的要求不高,企业机房更换下来的低配置电脑都可以完全满足需要,再者,企业在管理工作上的高效率和便捷性远远超过了开发本系统的成本,所以在经济上具有完全的可行性ASP.NET技术以及SQL Server原理进行了较深入的论述。最后,对程序调试与调试结果进行论述。
Parking lot billing management system
Abstract:of computer science, database technology in the  provide the more thoughtful and personalized service. Personalization has gradually become the trends of Wed application. How to effectively communicate through the network is a new field in front of us.
This article expounds how to construct a parking lot management system, B/S structure to B/S structure, ASP.NET technology and SQL Server principle are discussed systematically. Expounds the demand for parking lot management system, function module division, database model analysis, function module realization process. On this basis, the paper describes the key technologies are applied. Finally, the program debugging and commissioning results are discussed.
Based on practical application development background, using the principle of software engineering and development method, using ASP.Net technology to build a parking pricing management system based on B/S mode. all, on the system demand analysis, system main . Then the system overall design and detailed design.  function design, system overall structure design, system data structure design and system security design, etc.;  realization of the system database access, the concrete implementation of main function module, module implements key code, etc. Finally, the system function test, and the  is concluded that the shortage of the system and to improve for future system maintenance is convenient, but also for the future development of similar system provides the reference and help.
The development of this system make parking quick, at the same time also prompted the parking lot management more systematic, ordering.
Key words: parking lot; Management; ASP.NET technology; B/S

目  录
一 、系统概述 1
(一)系统简介 1
1、 选题简介 1
2、 选题意义 2
(二) 开发工具 2
1、 ASP.NET概述 2
2、动态网站技术介绍 2
3、数据库技术 2
4、ADO.NET连接数据库 2
二 、系统分析 3
(一)需求分析 3
(二)业务分析 3
三 、程序设计 4
(一) 概述 4
(二)系统结构 4
(三) 数据库设计 5
1、数据库E-R图 5
2、数据库实体 5
3、数据库设计表 7
(四)系统详细设计 9
1、用户登录模块的实现 9
2、车位信息管理 10
3、客户信息管理 14
4、停车信息管理 18
5、修改密码 21
四 、系统测试 23
(一)功能测试的定义 23
(二)系统测试的目的和原则 23
(三)系统测试效果 23
五、系统使用说明 26
(一)数据库配置 26
(二)程序如何布署和使用 26
六、结束语 27
七、参考文献 28

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  • 关键词 ASP.Net 技术 停车场 计费 管理系统
  • 上一篇:基于asp.net Sqlserver数据库酒店管理系统的设计
  • 下一篇:(计算机专业毕业论文写作)基于.Net技术的信息分析系统的设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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