


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥315
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

Based on the STM32 electronic said
Abstract:Intelligent electronics said technology is to use pressure sensor for sensing and recognition, will identify the pressure signal of shaping amplification by the A/D module in digital signal processing chip can handle, and then realize the measurement of measured object and the purpose of easy operation and friendly visual interface. Intelligent electronics said technology is the modern computer technology, electronic technology and the product of the combination of sensor technology. Its use in almost every area of our lives, from the aspects of the measurement of science and technology to every aspect of our life with a measured by electronic said modern society we can not do without the electronic says, so to speak. I design the use electronic scale STM32F103 as main control chip, using the pressure sensor to detect the weight content, using HX711 modulus conversion, through Z144SN005 color screen to display. At the same time, this design has the function of key presses, the main key is "0 to 9" 10 number keys and ". ", "reset" button, the unit price set key, the unit price setting determines key, price "save" button, "total amount" button. The design of external an independent digital keyboard. Its basic function is this: without key input, the STM32 will continue to give each data input line high level; Once you have pressed key input, the corresponding data input line will become a low level. In addition, the design of external a buzzer module, low voltage will trigger. Trigger condition is more than 5 kg object to be tested.
Keywords: electronic said; STM32; TFT LCD screen; HX711; Weighing sensor; The keys
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目录 1
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 本论文的技术要求和主要工作 1
第二章 电子称的主要设计 2
2.1 系统设计要求 2
2.2 系统基本功能和技术指标 3
2.3 系统方案选择 3
2.4 各功能模块的分析与选型 3
2.4.1 STM32F103核心板 3
2.4.2 矩阵按键 4
2.4.3 TFT液晶显示屏 5
2.4.4 蜂鸣器模块 6
2.4.5 A/D转换模块 7
2.5 压力传感器的工作原理: 9
2.6 称重传感器的使用: 10
第三章 系统软件设计 11
3.1 STM32f103的简介 11
3.1.1 基本功能 11
3.1.2 ADC(模拟/数字转换器) 11
3.1.3 串行单线JTAG调试口(SWJ-DP) 12
3.1.4 STM32f103固件库说明和使用 12
3.2 主程序的介绍 13
3.3 按键处理程序 20
3.4 A/D转换程序 23
第四章 安装调试与运行 26
4.1 调试和下载程序 26
4.2 CP2102 26
4.3 J-link 28
4.4 汉字取模软件的使用 30
致谢 34
参考文献 35

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  • 关键词 STM32 电子
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  • 下一篇:大棚温湿度远程监控系统设计
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