


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥318
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-28)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


Intelligent Community Access Management System
Abstract: With advances in technology, improve the national economy and safe and civilized community, intelligent building construction generally expanded so that information from concept to enhance the universal application. Modern management and improve its quality of life, promoting the entire process of social information has an important role. Intelligent community has become the main form of modern living quarters, and the access control system is an important part of the Intelligent Community, intelligent housing boom is taking shape in the country, the Intelligent Community refers to a set of advanced, reliable network infrastructure systems, households will Shi Liancheng network and public facilities, in order to achieve a fully automated management of households living facilities and community service facilities. Intelligent community has become the main form of modern living quarters, and the access control system is an important part of the Intelligent Community, intelligent housing boom is taking shape in the country, the Intelligent Community refers to a set of advanced, reliable network infrastructure systems, households will Shi Liancheng network and public facilities, in order to achieve even fully automated management of the household and community living facilities, service facilities. "Intelligent Community" appearance is thought to be a reflection of the life of the avant-garde. Through the research of Intelligent Community design, focusing on the needs analysis, equipment selection, integrated wiring, materials budget, system integration and other aspects of the analysis and description, and the concrete design.
Keywords: Access control systems; Intelligent Community; equipment selection.

一、绪论 1
(一)门禁系统的概念 1
(二)门禁系统的背景 1
(三)门禁系统的发展 2
二、需求分析 2
(一)系统需求 2
(二)性能需求 2
三、系统设计原则与依据规范 3
(一)系统设计原则 3
(二)系统设计依据规范 3
四、总体方案设计 4
(一)系统方案选择 4
1、卡式门禁的选择 4
2、非接触式IC卡的特点与工作原理 5
(二)小区门禁系统总体结构 7
(三)系统的组成 7
(四)系统功能的实现 8
五、硬件选型 9
1、门禁控制器 9
2、门禁扩展板 10
3、读卡器 11
4、开门按钮 12
5、门禁控制器机箱电源 12
6、磁力锁 14
六、软件设计 15
七、施工方案设计 17
(一)施工前准备 17
1、施工技术准备 17
2、施工队伍准备 18
3、材料进场准备 18
4、施工使用设备准备 18
(二)施工 18
1、具体实施流程 18
2、设备调试 19
3、线管和线槽的敷设 19
八、结束语 20
九、参考文献 22






  • 关键词 电子 专业 海欣 花苑 小区 门禁 管理 系统分析
  • 上一篇:电子专业毕业设计硬件实物制作需要注意哪些问题?
  • 下一篇:(plc专业毕业设计写作)基于plc生活/消防恒压供水系统的设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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