


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥291
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
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摘要  虽然社会经济在越来越快地增长,人民的生活水平也在迅速提升,但是,随之而来的人口剧增、环境恶化与资源紧张之间的矛盾也更显突出。伴随着社会经济的兴旺,科技的力量也越发强大。无线传感技术、计算机通信技术、嵌入式技术的兴起,农业大棚、家居等也在运用这些技术手段,形成了智能农业大棚、智能家居等。国内传统的农业大棚种植过程中,主要依靠人力和一些并不复杂的手工工具。农业种植的科技含量较低,装备水平相当落后,灌溉、光照和施肥等等的控制全都主要依靠人的主观判断,导致农业大棚的生产率并不比其他不用大棚的高,最终阻碍了科技在农业方面的进步,已经农业生产工具方面的创新。
国内研究智能农业大棚技术的步伐要落后于国外的发达国家。从开始研究到现在,肯定获得了一定的研究经验和成果,但是和国外比起来还是有差距的,这些差距主要体现在系统的完整性和稳定性两方面。本文通过研究 ZigBee 无线组网技术,交流对农作物的生长有比较重要影响的环境因素,讨论了基于CC2530单片机芯片的节点控制功能,剖析了农业大棚控制系统在各方面是否是能实现的。然后进行系统设计并且使该系统实现了。最终设备能够实现测量农业大棚内的温度、可燃气体现状,上传收集到的信息并且做出相应的处理。经测试,该系统运行状况良好,而且能够实现其应有的功能。
关键词: 传感器  智能控制   Android  Arduino  ZigBee
Intelligent Agriculture Greenhouse Controller
Abstract While the social economy is growing more and more quickly, people's living standard is also rapid ascension, however, the subsequent population, environmental degradation and the contradiction between resource is also more prominent. With the prosperity of social economy, the power of science and technology is also increasingly strong. Wireless sensor technology, computer communication technology, the rise of embedded technology, agricultural greenhouse, also in the use of these techniques such as household, formed the intelligent agricultural greenhouses, smart home, etc. Domestic traditional agricultural greenhouse planting process, rely mainly on human and some hand tools is not complicated. Agricultural science and technology content is low, equipment level is quite backward, irrigation, light and fertilization, and so on all depends largely on the control of man's subjective judgment, lead to the productivity of agriculture greenhouse no higher than the other don't shed, eventually hindered the progress of science and technology in agriculture, has the innovation of agricultural production tools.
The pace of the domestic research intelligent agricultural greenhouses technology to lag behind the developed countries abroad. From began to study now, must obtain a certain research experience and achievements, but compared with abroad still has a gap, the gap is mainly reflected in two aspects of system integrity and stability. This article through studies ZigBee wireless network technology, communication has more important influence on the growth of the crops of environmental factors, based on CC2530 microcontroller chip node control function is discussed, analyzed the agriculture greenhouse control system in all aspects can realize or not. Then carries on the system design and make the system has been realized. Eventually equipment can realize the measurement of temperature in the agricultural greenhouses, combustible gas, upload the collected information and make corresponding processing. After testing, the system is running in good condition, but also can realize its function.
Key words: Sensor  intelligent control  Android  Arduino  ZigBee
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 项目的背景和意义 1
1.2 研究开发现状分析 2
1.3 项目的目标和研究内容 3
第二章 主要技术 4
2.1 ZigBee 技术 4
2.1.1 ZigBee技术概述 4
2.1.2 ZigBee频带和数据传输速率 4
2.2.3 短程无线网络标准的比较 5
2.2.4 ZigBee的特点 6
2.2.5 ZigBee网络设备类型 6
2.2.6 ZigBee拓扑结构 7
2.2.7 路由算法 7
2.2 其他技术 8
2.2.1 Android串口编程 8
2.2.2 Android多线程编程 9
2.3 RS485传输原理 9
2.3.1 RS485通信帧格式 9
2.3.2 RS485数据链路层帧 9
2.3.3 RS485通信发送过程 10
第三章 项目系统分析 11
3.1 需求分析 11
3.1.1 功能性需求分析 11
3.1.2 非功能性需求分析 11
3.2 可行性分析 12
3.2.1 技术可行性分析 12
3.2.2 经济可行性分析 12
3.2.3 社会可行性分析 12
第四章 项目系统设计 14
4.1功能模块设计图 14
4.1.1 系统硬件架构图 14
4.1.2系统数据采集结构拓扑图 14
4.2系统功能模块 15
4.2.1 系统功能 15
4.2.2 传感器选择 15
4.2.3 Arduino温度传感模块 16
4.2.4 ZigBee模块 17
4.2.5 Android应用程序模块 17
第五章 项目系统实施 18
5.1 开发工具 18
5.1.1 Eclipse 18
5.1.2 IAR Embedded Workbench 18
5.1.3 SmartRF Flash Programmer 18
5.1.4 Arduino ide 19
5.2 系统软硬件实现 19
5.2.1 Arduino温度传感模块实现 19
5.2.2 ZigBee模块实现 23
5.2.3 Android应用程序模块实现 24
第六章 项目系统测试 27
6.1 系统功能测试 27
6.1.1 功能测试的定义 27
6.1.2 影响测试结果的因素 27
6.1.3 系统测试结果 27
结论 29
致谢 30
参考文献: 31
  • 关键词 智能 农业 大棚 控制器 实施
  • 上一篇:龙泰苑4#住宅楼电气照明系统设计
  • 下一篇:手机信号屏蔽器的研究与设计
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