


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


Abstract: the power flow calculation of distribution network is an important foundation for the economic operation and system analysis of distribution network. On the basis of the power supply of large power grid, a distributed power supply (DG) with small capacity is introduced into the distribution system near the user side, and the available resources and equipment can be used to provide reliable and high quality power to the user. However, the introduction of distributed generation (DG) has greatly affected the power flow, voltage quality and power loss of power grid. The traditional distribution network power flow algorithm is difficult to meet the requirements of the power flow calculation in the distributed generation system. It is necessary to adapt the existing power flow algorithm to the system containing DG. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to carry out this research. This paper summarizes the research contents of distributed generation, summarizes the concept and classification of distributed generation, and summarizes the classification and methods of relay protection in distribution network. The DG distribution network model, non DG distribution network model and equal value grid model are established. Based on these models, the expression of three-phase short circuit current value is derived and the short circuit current value under the two models is compared. The correctness of theoretical analysis is verified by matlab/sumlink software simulation. This paper analyzes the influence of multiple large capacity DG on the stability of the whole system in the way of microgrid access to the distribution network, and concludes the conclusion.
Key words: distributed generation; distribution network; short circuit current
1 题目研究的意义 3
1.1 分布式发电的概念 3
1.2 分布式发电对电网的影响 4
1.3 微分进化计算的作用以及DG引入后对微分进化算法的要求 4
1.4设计任务 5
2 分布式电源的特点及分类 5
2.1 分布式电源的特点 6
2.2 分布式电源的分类 6
2.3 几种主要的分布式电源类型 6
3 设计方案 7
3.1分布式发电类型及其特点 7
3.2 传统配电网微分进化计算方法 8
3.2.1牛顿拉夫逊法 8
3.2.2改进前推回代法 9
3.2.3 一种改进的配电网微分进化算法 10
4 DG对电流保护的影响 12
4.1配电网系统的建立 12
4.2 对过电流保护的影响分析 13
5 分布式电源对配网继电保护影响的仿真分析 16
5.1仿真模型参数 16
5.2分布式电源接入对配电网继电保护影响的仿真 17
5.3分布式电源对继电保护影响的仿真结果分析 19
5.3.1分布式电源对继电保护短路电流影响的仿真结果分析 19
5.3.2分布式电源对继电保护瞬时电流速断保护影响的仿真结果分析 23
5.3.3分布式电源对继电保护限时电流速断保护影响的仿真结果分析 27
5.3.4分布式电源对继电保护定时限过电流保护影响的仿真结果分析 29
6风力发电在配电网中的应用 32
6.1风力发电机等值电路图 32
6.2风力发机戴维南等效电路 33
6.3风力发电机的简单计算 34
6.4风力电源接入对配电网继电保护影响的仿真 35
6.4.1风力电源接入对配电网瞬时速段保护影响的仿真 35
6.4.2风力电源接入对配电网限时速断保护影响的仿真 39
7结论 44
附录1: 46
附录2: 46
附录3: 47
1 题目研究的意义
1.1 分布式发电的概念
  • 关键词 分布式 电源 电网 电压 控制 仿真
  • 上一篇:汽车防碾压传感系统设计
  • 下一篇:餐厅升降机控制系统的设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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