


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
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在中国经济飞速发展的大潮中,高等教育事业的迅速发展,使高等学校的规模不断的扩大。高校的电费设施与用量也在急剧的增长。电费的管理和费用的结算就成为高等学校后勤管理的一个突出的问题。随着科学技术的飞速发展, 计算机已经运用于高校的管理领域, 以便捷、快速的手段, 成为高校管理的不可缺少的工具。以往的靠人工进行电费费结算和管理的方式已经不能再适应高等学校的发展。根据某高校的实际情况和后勤管理的需要,文章对高校的电费管理进行了研究,并对学生公寓电费管理提出了新的设想。目前的电费管理系统基本都是针对大型住宅小区的,针对高校的电费管理比较少,而且功能不全。所以,文章结合某高校的实际情况和后勤管理的需要,运用TC2.0应用开发软件和Microsoft SQL server 2008数据库系统设计了针对高校学生公寓的电费管理系统。它采用ADO技术实现对数据库的管理,不仅能够实现正常的电费费计算和分析功能,还能实现对学生公寓的管理,能够方便的实现寝室学生信息的查询和管理。
关键字:电费管理系统;TC2.0;SQL server 2008;ADO

The Design and Implementation of Management System of Water and Electricity in Students’ Dormitory
With the rapid development of Chinese economy, high education develops quickly, which makes the scale of colleges and universities expands rapidly, and their facilities and the using of water and electricity increases sharply. The management and cost settlement of water and electricity become the outstanding problem of the logistics of colleges and universities. As the science develops quickly, computers, which become an important tool, have already been used in the managing area in colleges and universities because of its convenience and quickness. Manual settlement and management cannot adjust to the development of colleges and universities any more. According to the situation of some university and the need of its logistics, I have done some researches on the management of water and electricity; I put forward my own idea. Nowadays, most managing systems of water and electricity are designed for communities, systems designed for colleges and universities are less and even without complete functions. Thus, combining the fact of the university and the need of the logistics, this paper designs a managing system of water and electricity for students' dormitory in colleges and universities by using Delphi 7.0, thesis utilizes, Microsoft SQL server 2008. It adopts ADO to implement the management of the database that can calculate and analyses the using of water and electricity as well as manage students’ dormitory. What’s more, it can implement the search and management of the students' information in dormitories.
Key Words:Management System of Water and Electricity;Delphi 7.0;Access;ADO

1引言 3
2系统的需求分析 6
3系统流程分析 7
3.1系统模块分析 7
3.2系统模块的功能 9
4电费管理系统的实现 13
4.1数据库的建立 13
4.1.1创建数据库 13
4.1.2 TADOConnection控件对象的设置 17
4.2主程序界面设计 17
4.3用户检测模块程序设计 18
4.4用户管理模块设计 23
4.5密码修改模块设计 24
4.6系统初始化模块的设计 26
4.7寝室管理模块设计 27
4.7.1寝室基本信息模块 27
4.7.2电费费的管理 27
4.8查询模块的设计 27
4.9综合查询模块的设计 29
结论 32
参考文献 34
致    谢 35

[7]闪四清.SQL Sever 2000系统管理指南[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2001.7.
[8]飞思科技产品研发中心.SQL Sever 2000系统管理[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2001.7.
[10]John Viescas.Microsoft SQL server 2008中文版使用大全[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2001.7.
[11] John Viescas.Running Microsoft Access two thousand [M].Washington:Microsoft Press,1999.7.







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  • 关键词 学生 宿舍 电费 管理系统
  • 上一篇:基于Selenium和Jmeter自动化性能测试框架设计
  • 下一篇:基于web的在线编译系统
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