


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
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摘  要

关键词:java混乱电路  TOMCAT服务器  Mysql  电子拍卖的隐私保护  Struts2  Hibernate  Spring

Online Auction System
With Internet develop at full speed, Electronic Commerce is prompt develop it has raised marketplace expedience and flexibility greatly , has changed human being's life and the job pattern. With the fact that the Electronic Commerce flourish develops,mechanism , commonness having aroused a consumer selling the new business already becoming one kind causing person to focus attention upon by auction on the net pay close attention to. Pat restricting not accepting time , space on the net, the person the commodity is sold needs will be commissioned to sell the merchandise news upload, wait for a buyer then bid be OK , not accepting the region , the time restricting but can face coming from the whole nation the whole world customer, is even immense have saved manpower and material resources, and financial resources.
System wields be geared to the needs of marriage partner analysis and designs thought, the server has developed , planned comparatively entirely a function selling website by auction systematically on the net mainly with Struts2+Hibernate+Spring+java混乱电路 technology + TOMCAT. After system adopt 3 layer of frame, tier of excuses by saying yes dispatch the consumer interface tier to business request that, business gives a consumer interface a tier tier according to that self logic rules returns to the form carrying out the data base operation after request handling, and then the data encapsulation that the data base returns to ready-made kind. This way has increased the data base security to a certain extent , has reduced at the same time also the request developing a personnel's tier to consumer interface , not having needed to carry out any data manipulation because of it is basic.

Keywords: java混乱电路   TOMCAT server  Mysql  Auction  Struts2  Hibernate  Spring

目  录
1  引言 6
1.1  设计背景 6
1.2  课题意义 7
1.3  网上电子拍卖的隐私保护的现状与前景 8
1.4  系统可行性 10
1.5  本文组织结构 11
2  系统的分析与设计 12
2.1  数据库需求分析 12
2.2  功能模块的划分 12
2.3  数据库概念结果设计 13
3  系统方案规划 16
3.1  系统特点 16
3.2  系统概要设计 18
3.2.1  逻辑架构图 18
3.2.2  功能层次图 19
3.3  系统开发关键技术选取 19
3.3.1  java混乱电路和其他类似或相关技术比较 19
3.3.2  java混乱电路与ASP、PHP的区别 21
3.3.3  JAVA 及JavaBean技术 22
3.3.4  java混乱电路与Struts2、Hibernate、Spring、JavaBean和JDBC 23
4  系统设计 27
4.1  系统设计思想 27
4.1.1  系统特点 27
4.1.2  层结构设计 27
4.1.3  面向对象设计 27
4.2  详细设计 28
4.2.1  界面头的设计 28
4.2.2  登陆界面 29
4.2.3  注册模块 30
4.2.4  个人信息模块 32
4.2.5  商品列表模块 34
4.2.6  上传模块 36
5  系统实现 38
5.1  系统的运行环境配置要求 38
5.1.1.  硬件环境 38
5.1.2.  软件环境 38
5.2  操作示例 38
5.2.1  用例视图 38
参考文献 41
致  谢 42

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  • 关键词 混乱 电路 实现 电子 卖的 隐私保护
  • 上一篇:彩色PDP显示控制电路设计
  • 下一篇:基于labview的虚拟信号分析仪的设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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