写作形式与政策论文跨文化视角下的汉英翻译---以张德江 “一带一路”高峰论坛演讲为例

写作形式与政策论文跨文化视角下的汉英翻译---以张德江 “一带一路”高峰论坛演讲为例

写作形式与政策论文跨文化视角下的汉英翻译---以张德江 “一带一路”高峰论坛演讲为例

  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥316
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-25)
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写作形式与政策论文跨文化视角下的汉英翻译---以张德江 “一带一路”高峰论坛演讲为例


“一带一路”高峰论坛演讲为例        代写形式与政策论文



Chinese-English Translation From the Perspective of Intercultural Communication----An analysis of Zhang Dejiang’s Address at “The Belt and Road Initiative” Forum
Abstract:: Along with the rapid development of economic globalization, the connection between the countries is becoming more and more frequent. Without English, the exchanges and the development of each country's political、economic and cultural can’t go smoothly. English is one of the important tools to ensure effective communication between countries. It leads to a higher requirement for English translation. And we all know, any language translation is not equal to convert the language. There are great differences in cultural background, means of expression and way of thinking between Chinese and Western culture. In order to make the translation more accurate, more rapid, translators should have a full understanding of the culture between the two countries. Based on a study of Zhang Dejiang’s address at “The Belt and Road Initiative” Forum, this paper points out that translators should pay attention the cultural differences in the process of Chinese-English translation.

Key words: intercultural communication, Chinese-English translation, cultural differences


1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 2
2. An Introduction to Translation and Intercultural Communication 2
2.1 The Definition of Translation 2
2.2 Definition of Intercultural Communication 2
2.3 The Relationship Between Translation and Culture 2
3. The Methods of Cross-culture Translation 3
3.1 Domesticating Strategy 3
3.2 Foreignizing Strategy 3
4. The Influence of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences on Business English Translation----Based on Zhang Dejiang’s Speech at Summit Forum 4
4.1 “The Belt and Road Initiative” 4
4.1.1 The Meaning of “The Belt and Road Initiative” 4
4.1.2 Some Translation Versions of“一带一路” 4
4.2 Famous Proverbs and Idioms 5
4.3 Differences in thinking Mode 6
4.4 Differences in Expression Methods 7
4.4.1 Rhetorical Device 7
4.4.2 The Artistic Conception 8
5. Conclusion 9
Bibliography: 9

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  • 关键词 写作 翻译 演讲 论坛 高峰 一带一路 张德江 --- 汉英 形式 视角 跨文化 论文 政策 为例
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