


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥304
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-25)
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摘  要



The characteristics that constructs the construction comes to a decision the profession that that profession is a high risk, the process of its safe management is very complicated, the difficulty that manage is very big.The our country constructs the safe direct  management mechanism now not perfect, building the vehemence that market competition, widespread and low present condition of the cultural character of construction worker, how control the construction the spot of safety management, is the problem that an urgent demand solve.
The right understanding and discriminators start construction the dangerous source of the spot, especially start construction the important and dangerous source of the spot, and adopt the homologous control measure, is promote safe production control of valid means.Draw up the dangerous source of science  management project, build up a set of system of, science of, forerunner of safety management mode, prepare to control to start construction each link in risk of possible emergence, aim at to adopt sex to guard against the measure correspond, and at actual under construction slice on-the-spot implementation, thus prevent°from and reduce on the real meaning, even rupture the occurrence of start construction the trouble.
The construction production system is person the - machine  - environment synthesizes to constitute of system, the whichever link within system appear to break down and may cause the trouble.The process of the construction the spot homework is the direct cross process of the person, thing, environment, the person rises the predominant function therein, the person is the whole core of system, the more important person will manage the whole system, let the system keep the normal movement, can not get away from the person's management.The person, thing, environment and management is the important factor that the system embroils mutually, among them the whichever factor  occurrence variety, another three factor also comes after the occurrence variety.Control the person's insecurity behavior, the control  insecurity appearance of the thing, the improvement homework environment, science of we carry out the safe production the management is heavy medium of heavy, slice actually safety management of work well the construction the spot, is to want to carry on the valid control to above-mentioned four factorses, thus attain the purpose of the safe production.

Key  Words:Profession characteristics, safe present condition, dangerous source, control, management

目  录

第一章 绪  论 6
1.1  建筑施工的特点 6
1.2  建筑施工安全的现状 6
1.2.1安全管理组织机构不健全 7
1.2.2安全管理制度不落实 7
1.2.3是安全工作思想认识不足,措施不力 7
1.2.4工程造价太低 8
1.3  解决现场施工安全的意义 8
第二章  施工现场重大危险源的识别管理 9
2.1  施工现场的重大危险源 9
2.2  重大危险源的管理方案 10
    2.3  管理方案的落实和实施 14
第三章  采取的控制措施 16
3.1  控制人的不安全行为 16
3.1.1安全心理调适法 16
3.1.2奖惩激励控制法 16
3.1.3管理控制法 17
3.2  控制物的不安全状态 18
3.2.1设备的本质安全化 18
3.2.2装设安全防护装置 18
3.2.3加强施工设备的安全管理 19
3.3  改善作业环境 19
3.3.1施工平面布置 19
3.3.2安全警示标志 20
3.3.3封闭管理 20
3.4  安全生产的科学管理 20
第四章 结束语 22
致  谢 23
参考文献 24

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  • 关键词 切实 做好 建筑施工 安全管理
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