


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥310
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-22)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

Game publishing and distribution system design
Abstract:In recent years, the electronic entertainment industry is developing rapidly, resulting in many of the audience, it also brings a huge amount of GDP, the national attitude toward this new game industry has also changed, from the original limit to support, but it also brings a lot of problems, because the domestic game market is not mature, the awareness of copyright weak in domestic piracy forces wantonly, also some do not meet the download and dissemination of socialist core values of unscrupulous games on the network, in order to solve the chaos game industry, game products, I made this system to a unified distribution and management of production, the production, but also convenient for the majority of the audience of the game circle no, wandering in the various sites, only need to open the site to browse to the hottest new game。This system is programmed by vs2015, ordinary users to enter the system it must be registered, registered after the main input interface to properly account password to enter the system, browse the main interface of the system at the same time, can also give their love of the game received recommended, but only limited time for this operation for each account within the operation once, the selling party malicious brush praise to destroy the market balance and fair competition. These will be summed up in the game in the corresponding information, the user can also be customized according to their own preferences, such as the game name, type, and the date of sale. The use of special administrator account, the account has a special permission to enter the account password can enter the administrator interface, where you can see all the information website, and of these information to add modify and delete the new administrator account can only apply in the administrator interface, more convenient management of the site, users and the administrator can login to logout key to exit through the landing interface, security account.
Keywords:Game entertainment industry, Release management,

目    录
目    录 0
一、 系统概述 1
(一)系统简介 1
(二)开发工具 2
1、微软Visual Studio 2015 2
2、SQL2012 2
二、 系统分析 3
(一)需求分析 3
(二) 业务分析 3
(三) 功能模块设计 4
三、 数据库设计 5
四、 系统实施 6
(一)用户登录 6
(二)用户评论 8
(三)用户注册 10
(四)用户评价 12
(五)用户浏览 14
(六)用户密码修改 16
(七)管理员登陆 18
(八)管理员公告发布 19
(九)管理员添加功能 20
(十)管理员删除功能 22
(十一)管理员修改功能 24
(十二)管理员浏览 26
五、 系统测试 31
六、 系统使用说明 33
七、 结束语 35
八、 参考文献 35
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[7] Jesse Libert.Programming C#中文版. 电子工业出版社,2006.
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  • 关键词 游戏 发布 发行
  • 上一篇:药品进销存管理系统
  • 下一篇:小区物业管理信息系统
  • 暂无购买记录



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