基于Androi dunity平台的VR极限逃脱游戏设计
摘 要
Android is a Linux-based free and open source operating system, Unity3D is very popular in recent years, a cross-platform capability development engine, being loved by the game developers. In the current Android mobile application development circles, Unity has almost become standard Android tools.
This article shows a Unity of the software to the whole process of designing and developing Android Tower Defense game. Along the lines of game development, from relevant knowledge by testing, game design, game achieved step by step work, and completed the graduation design of the final product. The focus of this paper will describe in-game to achieve this step, starting from the first scene to establish, to import the model about details such as script writing, until the project is completed in Unity3D software, the game tests, were done on the PC and on your Android device to test and analyze the test results.
Key words:Application Development;Android;Unity;Tower Defense
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展状况 1
1.3 论文组织结构 2
第2章 3D游戏的技术知识 3
2.1 3D图形库 3
2.2 物理引擎 3
2.2.1 物理引擎简介 3
2.2.2 物理引擎基本架构 4
2.3 Unity3D 5
2.3 Unity3D简介 5
2.3 Unity3D基本概念 5
第3章 游戏设计 7
3.1 游戏创意 7
3.2 游戏框架结构设计 7
3.3 游戏层次结构设计 7
第4章 游戏实现 9
4.1 场景渲染实现 9
4.2 地形 9
4.3 光照和场景元素 11
4.4 怪物通道 12
4.5 摄像机 13
4.6 游戏UI界面 15
4.7 路点建设 18
4.8 敌人 20
4.9 敌人生成器 21
4.10 防守单位 22
4.11 生命条 23
4.12 自定义按钮 25
第5章 游戏测试 27
5.1 在Unity3D中运行测试 27
5.2 封装打包测试 27
5.3 封装打包测试 30
5.4 封装打包测试 33
总结 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
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