


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥306
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-11)
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摘  要
第五章  本章为设计各个功能的实现结果。


Research on Students' Motion Track Record Analysis Based on Public Platform Development Mode

  Campus micro campaign is running on WeChat public platform and HTML-based WEB (web development program), the main project based on the development of the public platform for the design of sports applications, the design idea is the mobile client data uploaded to Baidu cloud, Baidu cloud The data is stored and analyzed, and various sports information is displayed and transmitted on the public platform. In this paper, we use the cloud database, JAVA language and MyEclipse development environment to design and realize the real-time computing distance, speed and calorie of the user running, and can view the running route and map information function, feedback the motion information and make reasonable suggestions, so as to improve the user's Exercise motivation and a better plan to develop a reasonable exercise. The paper can be divided into three modules: high German map open platform; public number open platform; Baidu cloud platform. This paper describes the development of the whole system from the background of the project, the system requirements analysis, the outline design and the detailed design.
   All the contents of this paper is divided into six chapters:
Chapter 1: This chapter introduces the basic knowledge and classification, the development status and the successful cases based on the micro-information public platform tracking and positioning application.
Chapter 2: Introduces the related technologies used in the micro-public platform development, including micro-public developer model, application engine BAE, JSP + Selevet + JavaBean, database MySQL, version control system SVN.
Chapter 3: This chapter analyzes the function of micro letter public number in this paper.
Chapter 4 This chapter provides a detailed introduction to the various functions of the micro message public number.
Chapter 5 This chapter is to design the realization of each function results.
Chapter 6: This chapter summarizes the whole thesis, and looks forward to the future development of the research.
Key Words:public film platform; high German map; running; consumption of calories
目    录
摘  要 II
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 - 1 -
1.1 选题背景 - 1 -
1.2 研究目的和意义 - 1 -
1.3 选题成功案例 - 2 -
第2章 相关技术 - 2 -
2.1 MyEclipse集成开发环境 - 2 -
2.2 tomcat+struts+hibernate+mysql结构 - 2 -
Tomcat - 2 -
Struts - 3 -
Hibernate - 3 -
Mysql(关系型数据库管理系统) - 3 -
2.3 百度应用引擎(BAE) - 3 -
2.4 版本控制系统(SVN) - 4 -
2.5 微信公众平台 - 5 -
2.5.1 搭建起微信公众平台开发环境 - 5 -
2.5.2 注册公众账号 - 5 -
2.5.3 搭建微信本地调试环境 - 6 -
第3章 微运动文化的应用功能分析 - 7 -
3.1 总功能分析 - 7 -
3.2 微信平台开发模式的分析 - 8 -
3.3 百度地图的接入 - 8 -
3.4 图文消息 - 9 -
第4章 微运动的相关功能设计 - 10 -
4.1 公众号基本功能 - 10 -
4.1.1 公众平台登录界面 - 10 -
4.1.2 公众平台群发功能界面 - 10 -
4.1.3 公众平台高级功能界面 - 11 -
4.1.4 公众平台管理界面 - 11 -
4.2 高级接口开发模块 - 12 -
4.2.1 平台总体设计原则 - 12 -
4.2.2 总体功能流程图 - 12 -
4.2.3 Spring框架介绍 - 13 -
第5章 微运动的相关功能实现 - 14 -
5.1 用户图片上传功能 - 14 -
第六章 结  论 - 14 -
6.1 总结 - 14 -
6.2 展望 - 15 -
致  谢 - 15 -
参 考 文 献 - 16 -
攻读学士学位期间发表学术论文和科研项目情况 - 17 -
项目名称:《基于微信公众号的”微班级”平台开发》 - 17 -
主持人:刘晶 项目成员:刘晶,孙云云,李建华,谢武生,马昌贵,候洪杰 项目类别:自然科学类 项目完成起止时间:2016年7月--2017年6月 - 17 -

参 考 文 献
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  • 关键词 公众 平台 开发 模式 学生运动 轨迹 记录 分析 研究
  • 上一篇:物料清单综合管理系统的研究与设计
  • 下一篇:基于android的导航系统的设计与实现
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