


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥310
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摘  要:这次项目研究的目的是把一个小的游戏场景地形以及简单建模运行成功并显示出来;研究方法是使用OGRE为基础引擎结合Direct3D9.0界面,里面使用了模型读取,函数的调用,类(class)的声明等多种方法;项目实现的结果是成功的,我们可以进入界面并且观看到里面的许多元素,也可以看到类似游戏的帧数,摄像机的移动旋转;项目给出的结论是实现场景地形的显示是可行的,在场景地形中我们可以添加自己想要的元素,增加游戏当中的娱乐性,提高可玩性以及更加吸引玩家的兴趣。


The design and implementation of the Snake game based on J2SE
Abstract: Recently, due to its simplicity, transportability and depend from the platform, the programme language of VS2008 has got popular application especially when it has been combined with WWW as the first-chosen programme language in the field of network programme and programme-embeded. JBuilder is an excellent integrated development environment, which is to design the application of VS2008 and has got extensive recognition among most programmer due to its good design interface, the support of perfect modules and so on.
“Snake”is a classical and traditional game.It is very popular because of its simple operation and strong amusement.There has been morerequirement on function of the game that the old function of traditional game has not been enough to people. Based on the VS2008 technology and Eclipse integrated development environment,the paper design a game of“Snake”with simple operation,perfect interface and complete functions. The programme are composed of two functional modules and six class-modules, all of which will realize the following functions: game’s begin, pause, end,changing the speed of snake and parameters of the game.The purpose of developing this game gains the ends of not noly the study of VS2008 technology but also the familiarity of software development process.

Based on the introduction of VS2008 and Eclipse technology,this paper specifies every process of the lifecycle of the game of “Snake”.First of all,this paper analyses the feasibility of developing the game software and emphasizes the technical feasibility of the design .Secondly,the requirement on function of this game is analysed on several aspects:the main interface of the game.In addition,the requirement on property is also analysed on both usability and security. And then,this paper carries through the general design and the detail design which are the emphases of this paper. Main frame of two functional modules and the function-called relationship of six class-modules are shown in the general design;the detail design introduces the configuration of VS2008 2 Runtime environment,and point out programme flow chart and UML chart of every class module. The detail design also introduces the variables and methods included in every class and specifies how to make installation of this game software.The interface of game was displayed in the end of the detail design. In order to ensure correctness of code and dependability of the function,the programme has been debugged,and the function has been tested,and then the fruit and shortage of this design has been summarized. Finally,this paper proposes the maintenance measures of the game software.
Key words: VS2008,Eclipse,The game of “Snake”

目   录

1 绪论 1
1.2 本设计的目的和意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4 设计研究的主要内容、目标与工具 4
1.4.1设计的主要内容 4
1.4.2 设计要达到的目标 4
1.4.3 Ogre概述 5
2 可行性分析 7
2.1 可行性分析 7
2.1.1 可行性研究的前提 7
2.1.2 对现有软件的分析 8
2.2 所建议的软件 9
2.2.1 游戏处理流程 9
2.2.2 社会可行性分析 10
2.2.3 技术可行性分析 11
2.2.4 经济可行性s 12
3 需求分析 12
3.1 任务概述 13
3.1.1 目标 13
3.1.2 用户的特点 13
3.2 具体需求 13
3.2.1 功能需求 13
3.2.2 属性需求 14
4 概要设计 14
4.1 游戏功能 14
4.2 功能模块设计 14
4.2.1 总设计模块的划分 14
4.2.2 游戏主界面模块 15
4.2.3 游戏控制模块 15
4.3 类模块设计 16
4.3.1 各类模块设计概要 16
4.4 程序设计的重点 18
4.4.1 游戏图形界面的图形显示更新功能 18
4.4.2 贪吃蛇蛇身的设计 18
4.5 接口设计 18
4.5.1 外部接口 18
4.5.2 内部接口 19
4.6 维护设计 19
4.7 故障处理 19
5 详细设计 20
5.1  Controller.VS2008 20
5.2 Food.VS2008 22
5.3 Ground.VS2008 22
5.4 Snake.VS2008 24
5.5 GameOptionPanel.VS2008 27
5.6  MainFrame.VS2008 28
5.7 GameListener.VS2008 29
5.8  SnakeListener.VS2008 30
5.9 Global.VS2008 30
5.10 GamePanel.VS2008 32
6 软件维护 33
结论 33
参考文献 34
致  谢 35



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[2] 陈昊鹏.VS2008编程思想(第3版).北京:机械工业出版社,2005
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[7] (美)弗拉那根.VS2008技术手册(第五版).上海:东南大学出版社,2006
[8] Joshua Bloch.VS2008高效编程指南.北京:机械工业出版社,2002
[9] 夏先波.VS2008 JDK实例宝典.北京:电子工业出版社,2007
[10] Rogers Cadenhead、Laura Lemay.21天学通VS20082(第三版).北京:人名邮电大学出版社,2008
[11] 徐明浩.VS2008与模式.北京:电子工业出版社,2002
[12] 淡文刚,于红梅译.循环渐进VS20082教程(第三版).人名邮电出版社
[13] 贝克,韩柯.VS2008面向对象指南.北京:电子工业出版社,2001






  • 关键词 OGRE 三维 贪吃 游戏 开发
  • 上一篇:基于NX UG的BG齿轮泵三维建模、装配与模态分析
  • 下一篇:基于ANSYS软件的电磁场素材库制作
  • 暂无购买记录



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