基于NX UG的BG齿轮泵三维建模、装配与模态分析

基于NX UG的BG齿轮泵三维建模、装配与模态分析

基于NX UG的BG齿轮泵三维建模、装配与模态分析

  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥310
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基于NX UG的BG齿轮泵三维建模、装配与模态分析

基于NX UG的BG齿轮泵三维建模、装配与模态分析
此次课题以《基于NX UG的BG齿轮泵三维建模、装配与模态分析》为研究对象,首先本文将会介绍了这次的课题研究意义、传动问题以及三维视图动画等的实验成果的展示。
此外,本次课题主要目的是改善齿轮泵存在的泄露、困油、径向力不平衡等的问题,对齿轮油泵进行了运动仿真分析,提高它的总体工作效率。此次课题是在NX UG的草图环境下,通过建造三维模型、部件之间装配和三维动画成果演示,对齿轮油泵进行总体的布局设计。在UG工作环境下包括对各机械元件(螺柱螺钉、泵体端盖、主从动齿轮、圆柱销和垫圈螺母等)的三维造型与建模装配关系的研究,实现齿轮泵的虚拟装配。之后将充分考虑到传动平稳,供油充足,不能有泄露等问题的情况。
实际表明,使用UG对齿轮泵进行三维设计和运动仿真分析 ,可以让我们学生更加了解它的内部结构、受力状况,同时也极大帮助我们学生巩固大一大二所学的课本理论知识。既可以进行查漏补缺同时也可以将所学到的知识运用到生活实践中去。

关键词:齿轮泵;运动分析与仿真;部件装配;NX UG
Hydraulic pump for the hydraulic drive system of the main dynamic element, it is known as the core of the hydraulic system, it is depending on the sealing principle of the change of volume to work, a hydraulic pump and the gear pump is the most widely used. Gear pump is a part of machine lubrication, fuel supply system, the general volume is small, for smooth transmission, the gear oil supply is adequate, there can be no leakage.
First and foremost, this with the BG gear pump based on NX UG three-dimensional modeling, assembly, and modal analysis as the research object, first of all, this paper introduces about the research significance and transmission problems and 3 d animation technology etc. The experimental results show.
In addition, the main purpose of this project is to improve the gear pump leakage, trapped oil, and the problem of unbalanced radial force, simulation analysis was carried out on the gear pump, improve its working efficiency. This topic is in UG environment, through the establishment of three-dimensional model, parts assembly and the three dimensional animation demo, overall layout design of the gear pump. Based on the UG environment through to various mechanical components (stud bolts, end cover, master-slave moving gear, pump body cylindrical pin and washer and nut, etc.) of the assembly relation of three-dimensional modelling and modeling study, realizes the pump assembly. And fully consider the stable transmission, oil supply is adequate, there can be no leaks and other issues.
Last but not least, this paper studies on motion simulation and analysis of UG, add a series of links and driven, make the authority operation, thus simulating the actual movement of institutions, analyzing the motion law of institutions, research institutes of static or force of the movement, the final motion simulation and analysis of the gear pump.
Practice shows that the 3 d design and movement simulation of the gear pump, can let students understand its internal structure, stress distribution, but also greatly help us to consolidate the freshman sophomore studies textbook knowledge. Both to leak fill a vacancy can apply knowledge to practice.

Key words: Gear pump. Motion analysis and simulation; Parts assembly; UG

摘要 2
Abstract 3
目录 4
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 齿轮油泵的工作原理 5
1.2 齿轮泵设计的发展概括 6
1.3 本次课题主要研究内容: 6
1.4 本章小结 6
第二章 齿轮泵的零件三维造型建模 7
2.1 齿轮轴shaft 2的三维建模 7
2.2齿轮泵零件与外壳总体三维建模 10
2.3 本章小结 18
第三章  齿轮泵的装配与调试 19
3.1 齿轮泵的从动轴与主动轴的安装与配合 19
3.1.1 主动轴与从动轴的装配与间隙调整 19
3.1.2 齿轮轴上大齿轮传动 问题 20
3.2 齿轮泵所有零件的装配与调整 21
3.3 本章小结 24
第四章  齿轮泵的运动与仿真分析 25
4.1齿轮泵的三维运动 25
4.2 齿轮泵运动生成与仿真分析 26
4.3 本章小结 29
第五章 全文总结与展望 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32


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  • 关键词 NX UG BG 齿轮 三维 建模 装配 模态 分析
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