关键词:气门摇臂; 加工工艺 ; 夹具
The Valve rocker arm is one of the most important components in the valve system of automotive engines. In this manual, we first analyze the processing methods and the overall process of each surface of the valve rocker, then design the fixture for milling the upper and lower two planes. The parts of the valve rocker arm are castings, the material is HT200, the casting process of gray cast iron is simple, and the parts are small in volume and simple in the structure of the machined surface. In the valve control system, as the crankshaft in the engine rotates continuously to drive the connecting rod, when the fuel combustion in the cylinder is completed, the valve is opened and the burning exhaust gas is released. Through analysis, the valve rocker arm has a great role in the valve control system, but the analysis drawing can see that the machining accuracy and processing are not complicated. In the modern society, the demand for the automobile is becoming more and more important, so the processing efficiency of the valve rocker arm is very important, so we need to arrange the reasonable processing technology, for this A valve rocker arm, we should first process the two planes, and finally finish the processing of D21H7's fine holes. On this basis, the special fixture is added to improve the clamping efficiency and meet the large demand of the valve rocker.
Key words: Valve rocker arm; processing technology; fixture
序 言 3
第一章 气门摇臂的分析 4
1.1气门摇臂图纸的分析 4
1.2气门摇臂在实际生活的作用 5
1.3简易的工艺分析 6
第2章工艺分析 7
2.1毛坯定义 7
2.2定位基准的选择 9
2.2.1粗基面的选择 9
2.2.2精基面的选择 9
2.2.3拟定工艺路线 10
2.3选择加工设备、量具 11
2.3.1加工设备的选择 11
2.3.2选择量具 11
2.4机械加工工艺的确定 11
2.5确定切削时间及基本时间 13
第3章 专用夹具设计 15
3.1夹具概述 15
3.2定位基准的选择 16
3.3工件在夹具上加工的精度分析 18
3.4切削力和加紧力计算 19
3.5夹具体的设计 21
毕业设计总结 23
致谢 24
序 言
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