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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥299
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摘 要
近年来,随着3G移动互联网络的发展,智能手机的普及率越来越高,各种智能手 机操作系统相继出现。Android操作系统作为谷歌公司为移动平台打造的开源操作系统, 是真正开放和完整的移动软件,也是最有发展潜力的智能手机操作系统。基于Android 系统的手机游戏,是Android应用软件中的最重要的组成部分,有着庞大的用户人群, 也必将有巨大的发展潜力。有人已这样预言,Android手机游戏将是游戏产业的下一个 阶段,是手机游戏的未来。
本文首先提出了 Android游戏开发的总体框架,研究并总结了 Android游戏开发涉 及的一些关键技术,包括Android游戏开发多线程技术、Android游戏开发的图形处理 技术以及Android游戏开发中的碰撞检测技术。在此基础上,本文设计实现了基于 Android平台的手机游戏“飞行战”。该游戏的总体功能架构由控制调度模块、逻辑计 算模块、数据存储模块、图形界面模块、声音播放模块以及短信付费模块组成。控制调 度模块主要通过Activity来实现,在其中通过Handler机制实现了控制各个界面的切换; 逻辑计算模块主要处理内部和外部事件,在其中重点实现了碰撞检测和游戏人工智能的 跟踪算法;数据存储模块重点实现了游戏的地图类;图形界面模块重点实现各个界面的 绘制,其中涉及双缓冲绘图技术、游戏界面横屏滚动技术、加载界面进度条技术等关键 技术的实现。除此之外还设计实现了游戏的声音播放模块和短信付费模块,用来为游戏 加入音效和模拟实现发送短信的游戏付费方式。
本游戏最终向Android手机进行了移植,经测试,游戏的基本功能均实现,并且运 行流畅,画面效果较好,具备一定的可玩性。本文所展示的Android游戏开发的整个过 程和提出的开发框架对Android游戏开发具有一定的参考意义。
研究类型: 应用研究


In recent years, as development of the 3G Mobile Internet, the penetration rate of smartphone gets higher, various smartphone operating systems have come out. Android operating system for mobile platform made by Google company is open source operating system and truly open and integrity mobile software, which is also known as the most potential smartphone operating system. The mobile games based on the Android operating system are the main part of Android application software, with a huge number of the user crowd. It is to have great development potential. Someone has such predictions, Android mobile games will dominate the next stage of the game industry and be the future of mobile game.
Firstly in this paper the Android game development framework is put forward. Some key technologies which the Android game development involves are summarized, including the multithreading technology applied in the Android game development, the graphics processing technology in Android game development and the collision detection technology applied in Android game development. On this basis, the mobile game named "flight war" based on the Android platform is designed and realized. Overall function structure of this game is constructed by a control scheduling module, logic computation module, data storage module, graphical interface module, sound broadcast module and SMS pay module. Control scheduling module is mainly realized through Activity class in which every interface is switched by Handler mechanism. Logic calculation module mainly deals with internal and external events, in which the collision detection and game artificial intelligence tracking algorithm is mainly realized. Data storage module mainly realizes the Map class of the game. Graphical interface module mainly realize drawing each interface5 which involves double buffering drawing technology, horizontal screen
rolling technology in the game interface, progress bar technology in the loading interface and such as key realization techniques. In addition sound broadcast module and SMS pay module is designed and realized which put sound effects and simulate realizing game payment by sending SMS.
The game realizes the transplantation into Android phone finally, according to the test, the game realizes its basic functions, and runs fluently, whose picture effect is pretty good and have a part of gameplay. In this paper entire design process for Android games and the development framework for Android games are useful to the development of Android games.
Key words : Android Mobile Game Activity Collision detection Game AI XML
Thesis : Application Research
手机游戏(Mobile Game或Wireless Game),是指消费者利用随身携带并具有无线网
络联机功能的智能移动终端设备,能随时随地来进行的游戏。手机游戏最大的特点是其 随时随地进行游戏的便利性。这些年来,手机游戏市场有了很大的发展,手机游戏已成 为使用率最高的手机娱乐应用,占到各种手机娱乐应用比例的78.4%。在日本,手机游 戏市场经历多年的稳定增长,市场规模已经超过了 850亿日元[1]。在美国,手机游戏作 为美国手机用户最喜欢的移动应用之一,在iPhone和Android等智能终端推出后发展迅 速。而在中国,根据易观智库产业数据库最新发布的《2010年第4季度中国手机游戏市 场季度监测》数据显示,我国2010年手机游戏市场规模已达到32.9亿元,继续保持了 较快的发展。通过图1.1,我们能看出近些年来我国手机游戏市场的发展。


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  • 下一篇:基于Android智能手机的温室环境监控技术的研究
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