


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥311
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Strategy analysis of traditional retail store online platform based on visual marketing
Abstract: In recent years, momentum of rapid development of electronic commerce, it has opened up a new market for traditional industries through information network technology, fast and convenient way to attract more and more users and groups, this year NPC and CPPCC is again to encourage offline sellers use Internet plus industrial transformation. Now from all walks of life line retail market tends to saturation and by the impact of business development, in order to solve the problem of the stockpile, more and more traditional retail stores began to Jingdong, such Taobao B2C platform to seek survival in the market. Major platform for the fierce competition in the shop, then how can let these traditional stores just contact the Internet from the vast sea shop stand out, so that their products are better to show in front of consumers, the first thing is to optimize visual marketing strategy.On the Internet users can only through the visual to understand the product, with the new media technology in the continuous progress, the store has become more and more aware of the importance of visual marketing, and urgently needs a meet user shopping requirements of product visual design strategy.
Currently in the electronic business platform is a large number of retail shop in the page layout and visual marketing defects, leading to store weight of sales is not ideal, also lead to the user to buy the actual quality of the product. How to make their difference from those shop stall shop, visual design must be optimized shop.Only through the visual design of packaging their own brands and products, can let the shop popular, to attract consumers to obtain Everfount store traffic, enhance the overall store sales.
The online platform of traditional retail stores to cut the entrance, to Business 2.0 era as the background, visual marketing problems of shop operation process in the overall analysis and research, to explore how to use the visual marketing theory to the shop in the process of operation. And through the discussion of the visual marketing importance and users of online shopping in a store operations of visual design requirements, to shop operation process in several important turning point axis, put forward the visual design elements for the various operating steps, analyzes some of the shop page design of visual thinking. Finally combined with some outstanding online shop page summary of the development of visual marketing prospects for the shop decoration this piece to develop a correct visual marketing strategy to provide some positive basis. With the arrival of the 2 era of electricity providers, the competition will be more and more brutal competition in the shop, in order to survive and get better development, there are more aspects of the subdivision is worth us to study.
Key words: online shopping;visual marketing;online shop operation;page design;traditional retail

目   录
摘要 4
关键词 4
一、绪论 5
(一)研究目的和意义 5
(二)研究内容 5
(三)研究方法 5
二、 关于视觉营销和传统零售店线上平台 6
(一)电商2.0时代的电商环境——天猫、京东 6
(二)成功原因 6
(三)发展瓶颈 7
三、平台视觉营销理论以及用户体验优化的分析 7
(一)视觉营销理论基础 7
1.视觉营销概念 7
2.视觉营销对不同类型消费者的购买需求的影响以及应对策略 7
(1)针对务实型人群的分析 8
(2)针对浏览型和冲动型人群 8
(二)视觉营销对用户体验的优化分析 9
1.页面易读 10
2.容易浏览 11
3.方便查找 11
4.风格布局保持一致 11
5.页面快速下载 11
四、关于视觉设计与传统零售店线上平台运营结合的策略分析 11
(一)传统零售店网店线上平台运营方案介绍 11
(二)运营策略中的视觉设计策略 13
1. 线上平台传统零售店店铺整体“包装”策略分析 13
(1)色彩设计 13
1.1配色方案 13
1.2网店配色误区案例解析 15
        (2)文字的视觉设计 15
2.线上平台传统零售店店铺活动海报引流策略分析 16
(1)文案的排版分级 16
(2)吸引力 17
3.线上平台传统零售店打造爆款的视觉营销策略的分析 17
(1)首页的视觉营销策略 18
(2)网店爆款的主图设计策略 20
(3)详情页设计策略 20
五、 发展趋势 23
六、总结 23
参考文献 24

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[9]周炜.浅析平面设计中符号化文字的应用[J].学术期刊:神州.2013 08
[10]孙丽娜.浅析字体设计在版式设计中的运用[J].黑龙江建筑职业技术学院:专题专论_专题研究.2014 04



  • 关键词 单片机 智能 电热 油汀 控制系统 实现
  • 上一篇:基于单片机的烟雾及温度报警系统设计
  • 下一篇:基于单片机微处理器的电能质量检测系统设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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