


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥319
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

Design of an air conditioning system in Yangzhou
Abstract: air conditioning is of a room or space temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air flow rate of regulation and control, and to provide a sufficient amount of fresh air. Air conditioning can achieve to building heat and moisture environment, air quality comprehensive control, is currently being widely application in modern architecture.
This design is a suite of air conditioning engineering design, located in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, construction area of 156 square meters, air conditioning with a total area of 112 square meters in winter to heating and summer cooling. The villa has three layers, the air conditioning area is not large, the room area is relatively small, and independent control requirements; air conditioning use time dispersion, and the functions of load is not at the same time, considering the structure characteristics of comfort and economic and other factors, the selection of intelligent frequency conversion VRV system, and on the floor of the room partition, which can satisfy the different time different load requirements, and achieve the energy-saving purpose. At the same time, the management is convenient and flexible.
Design first for each room were cold and hot wet load calculation, calculation of winter and summer air supply parameters. By comparison with primary return air system and requires a high degree of comfort in the room with indoor unit sucking fresh air. According to the requirement of the construction of air conditioning equipment manufacturers and the position of the layout of the indoor and outdoor unit, condenser pipe, air duct and the air inlet.

Key words: air conditioning, central air conditioning system

摘要 1
引言 2
第一章  工程概况 4
第二章  冷负荷计算 6
第一节  冷湿负荷的概念 6
第二节  各房间冷负荷计算 10
第三章  空调设备选型 10
第二节 空调系统的选择 12
第三节  室内、外机选型 14
第三节  冷媒管的选择 15
第四章  制冷剂的选择与冷媒的充注 17
第五章  保温和消声设计 18
第一节  管道保温设计 18
第二节 空调系统消声设计 19
第三节 空调系统减振设计 20
第六章  安装、施工要求 20
第一节   室内外侧的连接 20
第二节   冷媒配管安装 21
第三节  冷凝水管的安装 21
结束语 23
致谢 24

附录 25
参考文献 37

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[2].赵荣义、范存养等.空气调节.  北京: 中国建筑工业出版社,1994年11月
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[6].全变多联中央空调机组 .  青岛: 海尔产品手册 ,  2006年4月
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[8].戎卫国, 张晨 . VRV.  空调新风系统设计山东: 山东建筑工程学院,  2005年10月
[9]. 陆妍杰. 浅谈多联机空调设计.   江苏: 南通中房建筑设计研究院有限公司,  2006年6月
[10]. 张莉.   多联机系统的设计与应用.  青岛: 青岛市建筑设计研究院,  2006年5月
[11]. GB50019-2003 采暖通风与空气调节设计规范 [S]
[12]. GBJ16-87 建筑设计防火规范 [S] 
[13]. GB50045-95高层民用建筑设计防火规范 [S]
[14]. GB50176-93 民用建筑热工设计规范 [S]
[15]. GB50155-92 采暖通风与空气调节术语标准[S]



  • 关键词 扬州 套房 空调系统
  • 上一篇:写作能源与动力工程专业毕业设计一般价格多少?
  • 下一篇:(代做多联机空调系统毕业设计)无锡三菱重工多联机空调系统典型工程的设计和施工
  • 暂无购买记录



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