摘 要:本设计为合肥市某娱乐场所空调系统设计。此娱乐场所大楼共有三层层,其中一层为5m高,其他各层均为3.2m,总高11.4m。总共建筑面积约为6000m2,其中空调面积约为2000 m2。整个大楼所需的冷量约为318KW,一楼至三楼采用新风加风机盘管系统和全空气系统,每层布置一台新风机于楼层吊顶内。新风机、风机盘管和组合式空调机组的冷冻水分别由三根冷冻水立管提供,供回水采用7℃供12℃回。回水也由三根回水立管分别送至集水器中。每个楼层的新风机和风机盘管产生的冷凝水集中由一根冷凝水管排至卫生间地漏内,组合式空调机组的冷凝水就近排至房间的排水沟内。
关键词: 新风机 ;风机盘管;组合式空调机组
Central air conditioning design for a place of entertainment
Absrtact: This design is the air conditioning system design of a entertainment place in Hefei. This entertainment building has three floors, one of which is 5 m high, and the other floors are 3.2 m high, with a total height of 11.4 M. The total floor area is about 6000 m2, of which the air conditioning area is about 2000 m2. The cooling capacity of the whole building is about 318KW. The first floor to the third floor are equipped with new air-adding fan coil system and all-air system. Each floor is equipped with a new fan in the ceiling of the floor. The chilled water of fresh air fan, fan coil unit and combined air conditioning unit is supplied by three chilled water risers respectively, and the return water is supplied by 7 for 12 for 7 for 12 for 12. The backwater is also sent to the catchment by three backwater risers. The condensate produced by fresh air fans and fan coils on each floor is concentrated in the floor drain of the toilet from a condensate pipe, and the condensate of the combined air conditioning unit is discharged into the drain ditch of the room.
Key words: fresh air fan;fan coil unit;combined air conditioning unit
第一章 工程概述与设计依据
1.2 设计依据
1.2.1 围护结构热工指标
摘 要 Ⅰ
第一章 工程概述与设计依据 1
1.1 工程概述 1
1.2 设计依据 1
1.2.1 围护结构热工指标 1
1.2.2 室外设计参数 1
1.2.3 室内设计参数 2
第二章 负荷计算 3
2.1 夏季冷负荷的计算 3
2.1.1 夏季冷负荷的组成 3
2.1.2空调冷负荷计算方法 3
2.2湿负荷计算 9
2.3 热负荷计算 11
第三章 确定空气处理方案 12
3.1 系统方案比较及确定 12
3.2空气处理过程设计 13
3.2.1、全空气系统设计计算 13
3.2.2、风机盘管系统设计计算 16
3.2.3、新风机选型计算 18
第四章 风系统设计计算 19
4.1 风管材料和形状的确定 19
4.2 送、回风管的布置 19
4.3 气流组织设计 19
4.4 风管设计 20
4.4.1 风道水力计算步骤 20
第五章 水系统设计计算 23
5.1 水系统方案的确定 23
5.1.1、两管制系统的优点 23
5.1.2、闭式系统的优点 23
5.1.3、同程和异程系统的选择 23
5.2 冷冻水供水水力计算 23
5.2.1设计计算步骤 24
5.2.2最不利环路的计算 25
5.3、 冷凝水管路的设计 26
课程小结 27
参考文献 28