


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥293
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


摘要:随着科技和电力工业的飞快发展,供电电厂已经进入一个很平稳的阶段。而我们无时无刻都在使用各种电器,每时每刻都在消耗大量的电能,在电能有限的情况下,为实现节约学生公寓用电,合理的学生公寓用电器的学生公寓用电管理显得越来越重要,电能的合理使用显得非常重要。以ADE7755为芯片的AT89C52单片机,是一款可用单相配电系统的高精度电能计量IC。它使用的模拟电路是ADC和参考电压电路。别的信号处理都是在数字域实现的。这种信号在环境和时间不稳的情况下也能准确测量 。可以很好的测量电能有功功率的,然后得学生公寓用电量。所以使用这种设备,就可以自动采集和实施监视于一体化。使用这种设备可在减少人力资源的使用时增加了数据采集的准确性,使得电力管理局能够狠轻松的管理。系统由自动计时控制模块、多重时间设置模块、用电控制模块和手动操作模块四部分组成,共同完成学生公寓用电自动控制系统。管理员根据需要在计时控制模块中设置好供电、断电时间,例如早6:30供电、晚10:30停电,系统每天自动地重复工作,安全可靠。为控制方便,加入手动操作模块,设置“自动”、 “手动”两挡以应付特殊情况。例如某天晚8:00~9:00停电,可以通过手动控制适当延长断电时间,管理员在值班室内手动控制,而不必到配电盘上拉闸,同时有显示灯指示工作状态。时间设定可借助于机械式闹钟,进行声控检测;或用电子式闹钟,直接取出脉冲作为供电、断电控制,根据需要还可设计为多重时间设置控制。
关键词:学生公寓用电量管理、 AT89C52单片机、自动采集
The design of the electric automatic control system for the student's apartment
Abstract: with the rapid development of science and technology and power industry, the power supply plant has entered a very stable stage. And we use all kinds of electrical appliances all the time and consume a lot of electricity every moment. In the case of limited power, it is becoming more and more important to manage the students' apartment for saving the students' apartments, and the reasonable management of the students' apartment for the students' apartments. The AT89C52 microcontroller based on ADE7755 is a high-precision power metering IC that can be used in single-phase distribution system. The analog circuit it uses is ADC and reference voltage circuit. Other signal processing is implemented in the digital domain. This signal can also be accurately measured in the case of environmental and time instabilities. It can well measure the active power of electricity, and then get the electricity consumption of student apartment. Therefore, the use of this device can automatically collect and implement monitoring in integration. The use of this device can increase the accuracy of data acquisition while reducing the use of human resources, so that the authority can manage it with ease. The system consists of four parts: automatic timing control module, multiple time setting module, electric control module and manual operation module. The system can complete the automatic control system of the student apartment. The administrator set up the power supply and power off time in the timing control module, such as the power supply at 6:30 and the late 10:30. The system automatically repeats the work every day, and it is safe and reliable. For the convenience of control, manual operation module is added, and "automatic" and "manual" two gears are set up to cope with special situations. For example, 8:00~9:00 power outage can be stopped by manual control, by manual control, the administrator can manually control in the duty room, without having to pull the switch on the distribution plate, and at the same time the display lamp indicates the working state. The time setting can be controlled by the mechanical alarm clock, or the electronic alarm clock is used to take out the pulse directly as the power supply and power cut control, and it can also be designed for multiple time control according to the need.
Key words: student apartment electricity consumption management, AT89C52 single chip microcomputer, automatic acquisition
第一章 绪论 4
1.2 本设计的意义 5
1.3 HEMS简介 6
1.4 HEMS在国内外的发展现状 7
1.5研究的目的和意义 8
1.6 本设计国内外技术研究的现状和发展 9
1.7 本设计的研究内容 9
第二章 学生公寓用电管理器系统总原理框图和工作原理 10
2.1系统设计 10
2.2系统各模块功能 11
2.3系统工作原理 11
第三章 系统硬件设计 12
3.1单片机的选型 12
3.2电源模块 14
3.3继电器控制模块 14
3.4温度采集模块 15
3.5功率测量模块 19
3.6 LCD 液晶显示模块 21
3.7 EEPROM 存储模块 22
3.8 C语言 24
3.8.1 C语言优点 24
3.8.2 C语言缺点 24
3.9 Proteus简介 24
3.10 Keil C51编译器简介 25
3.10.1 8051开发工具 25
3.10.2 uVision2集成开发环境 26
第四章 软件设计 27
4.1系统工作的工作流程图: 27
4.2主程序设计 27
4.3子程序设计 30
4.3.1 24C02子程序 30
4.3.2 DS18B20子程序 32
4.3.3 LCD 液晶显示子程序 33
第五章  Proteus仿真 35
5.1 初始电路 35
5.2 完整电路 36
5.2.1 单片机部分 36
5.2.2 键盘部分 38
5.2.3 液晶屏部分 38
5.2.4 整体仿真电路图 38
结论 1
小结与致谢 2
参考文献 3
第一章 绪论
1.1 本设计背景
  • 关键词 AT89C52 单片机 学生公寓 用电 自动 控制系统 Proteus 仿真
  • 上一篇:基于单片机的视力保护器设计
  • 下一篇:基于STM32的远程终端管理系统
  • 暂无购买记录



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