


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥299
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-22)
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摘 要


关键词 网络视频监控;嵌入式Linux;V4L2;视频标签


Monitoring system is an important part of security system and an indispensable visual extension. By using this system, the staff can monitor the key parts of the building in real time, grasp intuitively and control the security dynamics of the whole hotel. This monitoring system installs cameras in the main corridors, halls, corridors and restaurants of the floor to monitor these important locations in real time. The camera transmits the image captured in the front section to the video distributor through the video line. The image is divided into two paths by the video distributor, one for the video matrix and the other for the hard disk recorder. Workers can switch the image they want to watch to the TV wall through the main control keyboard in the monitoring room. The hard disk video recorder can record the scene and cut the picture to watch single or multiple pictures. Taking S3c2410 as the core hardware platform, this paper designs and implements a remote video surveillance system based on B/S mode by combining video image data acquisition technology, data compression technology and TCP/IP network data transmission technology. Mainly includes: firstly, the overall software and hardware design scheme of the system is given, the U-boot is modified and transplanted for the hardware of the system, the compilation and transplantation of Linux kernel and the production of YAFFS file system are also studied in depth; the realization of V4L2 video image data acquisition, video data compression and network transmission of video data and other functional modules are compiled; and the analysis of video retrieval side On the basis of this method, a video tagging technology is proposed, which uses the motion-generated image as an event tag and finds out its relative position in the video file according to the event tag.

Keyword Network Video Monitoring; Embedded Linux; V4L2; Video Tag


第1章 绪论 1

1.1.选题依据与意义 1

1.2、国内外研究现状 2

第2章 系统硬件体系结构 4

2.1嵌入式处理器 4

2.1.1 RAM处理器介绍 4

2.1.2S3c2410 5

2.2 系统硬件总体构架 6

2.3 本章小结 8

第3章 视频监控系统程序设计 10

3.1基于V4L2的视频采集模块开发 10

3.1.1 V4L2的API应用 10

3.1.2视频采集的输入输出队列 12

3.1.3 视频采集程序的实现 13

3.2视频图像数据压缩 18

3.2.1 常用图像压缩算法介绍 18

3.2.2压缩算法的选择 20

3.2.3 MJPEG压缩算法的实现 20

3.3视频数据网络传输的设计 22

3.3.1 基于B/S模式的系统传输结构 22

3.3.2 SOCKET网络编程 24

3.3.3 HTTP协议的处理 28

3.4基于时间标签的视频检索技术 29

3.4.1 基于语义的视频检索 29

3.4.2 基于非语义的视频检索 30

3.4.3基于视频标签的检索 31

第4章 监控系统的整合和测试 33

4.1监控系统的输入模块 33

4.2监控系统的输出模块 33

4.3系统测试 35

参考文献 37


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  • 关键词 嵌入式 远程 视频 监控系统
  • 上一篇:基于CAN总线的实验室模块化监测系统的设计与实现
  • 下一篇:基于物联网技术的低功耗水质监测系统的设计
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