


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥304
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
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摘  要

     With the rapid development of the mining industry, mining equipment industry has gradually been driven up, before the mining industry has not developed to a certain scale, mineral processing plants, coal preparation plant and other industries are generally used to break the equipment is small, but also in recent years, due to the production capacity of various lines gradually increased, this production capacity has not been up to the production needs, and many units and manufacturers of large crushing equipment, ore equipment, we increasingly strong. Gradually large jaw crusher also came into being.
Jaw crusher (jaw crusher, the series of products with uniform ratio, product size, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. Crusher is widely used in mines, metallurgy, building, highway, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and so on many departments, crushing compressive strength less than 320 MPa of various materials.
    For a long time, the jaw crusher has become one of the most popular crushing equipment, which is widely used in various fields. With the development of mining production and road building materials, the user hopes to get more fine grain size and lower labor cost. The existing backward jaw crusher can not bear the new period of production tasks, we must develop high performance, low energy consumption, and extend the life of the machine jaw crusher, so as to be more competitive. This paper mainly introduces the structure and parameters of jaw crusher, and through the structure design of jaw crusher, we better understand the performance and working principle of the machine, and extend the service life of the machine.

Keywords: Crusher  Material  Ore  Rock  Periodicity  Overload protection

目  录
前言 1
第1章破碎机概述 2
1.1 破碎机的用途及破碎理论 2
1.1.1 用途 2
1.1.2 破碎理论 2
1.2 破碎机分类、工作原理 3
1.2.1 分类 3
1.2.2 工作原理 3
1.3 颚式破碎机 3
1.3.1 工作特点和类型 3
第2章 颚式破碎机参数的选择和计算 7
2.1 颚式破碎机的结构及运转 7
2.2 结构参数的选择与计算 7
2.2.1 给矿口与排矿口的尺寸 7
2.2.2 啮角 8
2.2.3 动颚摆动行程s和偏心距r 8
2.2.4 主要构件尺寸的确定 9
2.3 工作参数的选择与计算 12
2.3.1 偏心轴的转数 12
2.3.2 生产能力 13
2.3.3 功率确定 14
第3章颚式破碎机主要零件的计算 16
3.1 颚式破碎机主要零件的受力分析 16
3.1.1 确定推力板的压力 16
3.2 主要零件的强度计算 18
3.2.1 推力板的强度计算 18
3.2.2 动颚的强度计算 18
3.2.3 偏心轴的强度计算 20
3.2.3 飞轮 26
第4章颚式破碎机主要零件结构尺寸的计算与选择 29
4.1 皮带及带轮的设计 29
4.1.1 确定计算功率 29
4.1.2 选用窄V带带型 29
4.1.3 确定带轮基准直径 29
4.1.4 确定窄V带的基准长度和传动中心距 29
4.1.5 验算主动轮上的包角 30
4.1.6计算窄V带的根数Z 30
4.1.7 计算预紧力 30
4.1.8 计算作用在轴上的压轴力 30
4.1.9 带轮的结构设计 30
4.2 确定偏心轴的直径及跨距 31
4.3 轴承的选择及验算 32
4.3.1 轴径d=190mm处的轴承 32
4.3.2 机架处的轴承 33
结  论 34
参考文献 35

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  • 关键词 颚式 破碎机
  • 上一篇:二级圆柱斜齿轮减速器
  • 下一篇:多功能自动油炸机的设计
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