


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥317
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-21)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


Determination of air conditioning scheme for Suzhou Villa
Abstract: This project is an air-conditioning engineering design for Stone Lake rhyme villa.The total number of layers is three ,where the basement is garage; the ground floor is the kitchen, dining and living room and other functional areas; The main bedroom  and study functional areas are in the second and third floor. The storey height of the first ,second and third floor is 3.2m, with a total construction area of about 236.2m^2. (Architectural floor attached) The air-conditioning project is determined according to the size of each room and function specific case.By means of the handling of the air-conditioner ,we can meet people's requirements on air.Central air-conditioning is determined by  the number of people and indoor space size and finally  design a cost-effective program, so whether in summer or winter, the staff will work in the best states and  work efficiency will be improved.Because at present we are limited to the book to understand, leading to we grasp the depth of the theory and practical operation is difficult to take on the rail, so as for the design scheme of the system, after this period of time the on-the-spot investigation to find information, combined with their own knowledge, to understand my own processing of practical problems still some deficiencies, and the knowledge in the books to deal with problems, but also in the field work will broaden their horizons, for future work to provide help. So with the actual problem to test knowledge is very wise choice.
Key words: office building; design of air conditioning system; Determination of air conditioning system

第一章引言 2
第一节 课题来源及研究意义 2
第二章 房间的气象参数与设计条件 3
第一节 制冷剂及压缩类型 3
第二节 冷凝器的确定 7
一、水冷式冷凝器 7
二、风冷(空冷)冷凝器特点 7
三、空气 - 水冷凝器 7
四、冷凝器翅片 7
第三节 节流装置的确定 8
第四节 工程概况 8
第五节 气象资料 9
第三章 空调负荷估算 10
第一节 单位面积冷负荷指标法简介 10
第二节 湿负荷计算 12
第三节 各房间内机选型 12
第四节 室外机选型 14
第五节 冷媒水管选型 15
第四章  新风系统的设计 16
第一节 气流组织 16
第二节 风口布置 17
第五章 设计总结 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20

[3]中华人民共和国建设部.GB50019-2003采暖通风与空气调节设计规范. 中国计划出版社




  • 关键词 空调制冷 专业 苏州 石湖之 别墅 空调系统
  • 上一篇:企业管理专业毕业论文如何选题?
  • 下一篇:低温地板辐射供暖系统的设计
  • 暂无购买记录



    多重认证,精挑细选的优质资源 优质老师。





