


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥308
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
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关键词:Zigbee; 红外入侵智能;光敏电阻;温敏电阻;传感器;实时监控系统;

Fire monitoring system based Zigbee wireless network design
The rapid development of wireless technology led to the rapid expansion of its applications, but wireless devices in practical applications have been received power, cost, distance and reliability constraints, these issues come out in the Zigbee wireless technology after it has been good solution. This paper discusses Zigbee-based wireless technology, temperature, light a fire control system design and implementation.
 This paper introduces the Zigbee wireless technology Research hungry at home and abroad, and then for the system design of hardware, Zigbee network and PC-software system design implementation and testing of the system in such areas as discussed.
 In this system, the hardware design,  chip, and photosensitive resistance and temperature sensitive resistor as Zigbee wireless RF modules and temperature, light sensing module, the core of the system hardware design. Zigbee-based wireless technology, temperature, light intensity fire control system hardware structure is mainly composed of three parts: the sender, the receiver reported to the end, PC machine display terminal. Which contains more than one sender sending nodes, each node has a  chip and two sensing resistors, a system data source; received only one reported side  chip and a MAX232 serial port to USB modules, with the organization of a Zigbee network, the receiver sends to the data, and data to the PC, the display device, the wireless network is a system coordinator: PC, display system consists of a body into a very ordinary PC, the data is displayed in real time and recent historical data to do the drawing.
 After testing, the results of the surface, the wireless temperature, light intensity fire monitoring system in real time, so accuracy of the basic requirements to meet the most. And can easily be modified into other sensor network system to prove that Zigbee wireless technology has its obvious advantages, the market prospect is broad.
 In this paper, graphics, icons and text describes in detail the wireless temperature, light a fire monitoring system design and implementation.
Keyword: Zigbee; wireless network; photosensitive resistance; temperature sensitive resistor; sensor; real-time monitoring syste
第一章  绪论 - 1 -
1 .1课题研究的背景 - 1 -
1.1.1 物联网模拟系统的研究进展 - 1 -
1.1.2 物联网模拟系统的组织结构 - 2 -
1.1.3 物联网模拟系统的特点 - 3 -
1.2 课题研究意义 - 4 -
1.3 本文的主要工作 - 5 -
第二章  Zigbee通信协议的说明 - 6 -
2.1 Zigbee 协议概述 - 6 -
2.2 Zigbee 设备类型及其拓扑结构 - 7 -
2.2.1 Zigbee 的设备类型 - 7 -
2.2.2 Zigbee 的拓扑结构 - 7 -
2.3 Zigbee 协议栈架构 - 9 -
2.3.1 Zigbee 物理层 - 9 -
2.3.3 Zigbee 层 - 11 -
2.3.4 Zigbee 应用层 - 13 -
2.4 Zigbee 的技术特点 - 14 -
2.5 Zigbee 的应用前景 - 15 -
2.6 本章小结 - 16 -
第三章  系统总体方案设计 - 17 -
3.1系统硬件设计 - 17 -
3.2系统软硬件结合部分 - 18 -
3.3系统硬件接口部分 - 18 -
3.4  本章小结 - 19 -
第四章  系统软件的设计 - 20 -
4.1接收端软件 - 20 -
4.1.1 接收端软件设计 - 20 -
4.1.2 初始化模块 - 22 -
4.2系统函数 - 25 -
4.2.1 系统接收处理函数 - 25 -
4.2.2 任务处理函数 - 25 -
4.2.3 按键子函数 - 27 -
4.2.4 发送函数 - 27 -
4.2.5 完成任务的添加 - 29 -
4.3传感节点 - 29 -
4.3.1传感节点的函数 - 29 -
4.3.2读取温度的函数 - 30 -
4.3.3读取光照的函数 - 32 -
4.4路由节点 - 32 -
4.4.1 路由节点接收结构体 - 32 -
4.4.2 接收函数 - 33 -
4.4.3 数据上报函数 - 33 -
4.5 数据采取该方式传输的优势 - 35 -
4.6  本章小结 - 35 -
第五章  红外监控系统的PC机软件设计 - 36 -
5.1软件环境及工程设置 - 36 -
5.1.1 软件环境的安装 - 36 -
5.1.2 工程设置 - 36 -
5.1.3 红外监控系统的PC机软件的系统框架 - 37 -
5.2Qt部分 - 38 -
5.2.1 Qt实时数据监控软件 - 38 -
5.2.2串口部分详解 - 38 -
5.2.3节点部分的说明 - 40 -
5.2.4系统窗体的编写说明 - 42 -
5.2.5拓扑部分的编写方式 - 42 -
5.2.6 Qt实时监控部分程序总体说明 - 43 -
5.3 C#软件部分 - 44 -
5.3.1 C#曲线图绘制部分 - 44 -
5.3.2 C#操作Sqlite数据库 - 45 -
5.4本章小结 - 45 -
第六章  系统的调试总结与展望 - 46 -
6.1硬件调试 - 46 -
6.1.1 路由节点的基本状态和未匹配状态 - 46 -
6.1.2 路由节点的正常状态 - 47 -
6.2 PC机软件设计 - 48 -
6.2.1上位机接收软件的运行界面 - 48 -
6.2.2 C#运行的界面 - 48 -
6.3系统设计总结 - 49 -
6.4系统展望 - 49 -
致谢 -51-
参考文献 -52-
附录A原文部分 -53-
附录B译文部分 -58-
附录C图表目录 -62-
附录D程序主要源代码 -63-

【1】 李文仲,段朝玉. 红外入侵智能单片机技术丛书Zigbee物联网模拟系统入门与实战[M].北京航空航天   大学出版社,2008.
【5】Shahin Farahani.Zigbee Wireless Networks and Transceivers[M].2008.
【7】李文仲等.Zigbee2006红外入侵智能与红外入侵智能定位实战 [M]. 北京航空航天大学出版社,2008.
【8】李文仲.Zigbee技术与应用——CC2430设计、开发与实践 [M]. 国防工业出版社,2010.
【10】阳宪惠.现场总线技术及其应用(第2版)[M]. 清华大学出版社,2008.
【13】张春红等.物联网技术与应用[M]. 人民邮电出版,2011.
【14】(加)布兰切特, (英) 萨默菲尔德.C++ GUI QT4编程[M].电子工业出版社,2008
【17】http://www.microsoft.com/zh/cn/ [OL]
【18】http://qt.nokia.com/ [OL]
【19】http://www.ti.com/ [OL]
【20】http://user.qzone.qq.com/362783516 [OL]



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  • 关键词 zigbee 联网 模拟
  • 上一篇:物联网智能家居系统的规划与设计
  • 下一篇:基于zigbee无限传输协议对人体红外释电传单器的功能研究
  • 暂无购买记录



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