Analysis and design of intrusion alarm system
Abstract:With the progress of the society, the development of science and technology, people's material life, so is the demand of improving. At the same time, on their own property and life safety protection consciousness also had the big enhancement. In today's highly development of science and technology, more tend to use high-tech means a criminal, more hidden, so want to ensure regional security must use modern anti-theft alarm technology.
This system is based on community security alarm system. Among them, the use of infrared detection can obtain good concealment, unlimited time all can use, anti-interference ability. Burglar alarm system is the independent running within the given slip automatically, in the event of danger or outside, can alert or directly report to the police.
Key words: Community; Anti-theft alarm; System; Perimeter. design
目 录
一、引言 1
(一)防盗报警发展历史 1
(二)防盗报警发展方向 2
1、防盗报警系统发展人性化 2
2、防盗报警系统的整合与应用 2
二、系统分析 3
(一)系统使用环境分析 3
(二)系统组成分析 4
(三)系统功能及需求分析 4
三、系统设计 5
(一) 设计依据 5
(二)设计原则 5
(三)系统选型 6
1、系统选型基本原则 6
2、设备选择依据 6
四、设备选型和配置 8
(一)设备选型 8
1、壁挂式三技术防宠物探测器 ISC-BDL2-WP6G-CHI 8
2、总线报警接收机 MTR 9
3、CAN/RS485总线转换器 MTGW 10
4、RS485中继箱 MT3-4 11
5、十二防区家居报警主机 IUI-DS12RG-CN 11
6、三十二路继电器模块DSR-32C 12
(二)系统工作原理 13
五、系统的安装 调试和验收 14
(一)安装步骤 14
1、前端探测器 14
2、管理中心 15
(二)系统调试 16
(三)系统验收要求 16
六、结 束 语 18
七、参考文献 19
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