


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥305
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-27)
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关键词:机器视觉  表面缺陷  CCD  图像处理  缺陷检测

In order to continually promote the quality of product and efficiency of production, the on-line automatic inspection technology of surface defect of metal workpiece has become more and more important in the process of production. This paper designs an automatic system based on machine vision, which can inspect surface defect of metal workpiece timely without any damage on it.
Firstly, using CCD and multi-channel image acquisition card to acquire images, the system has accelerated the inspection speed and reduced the requirements of CCD on the performance to do the timely on-line inspection more easily under the current condition; secondly, according to the practical application of threshold, the system has used the segmentation threshold of selecting an image automatically to select the workpiece information from images and scan that information to realize the automatic measurement of the system; finally, the system has removed the aperture on the edge of workpiece in accordance with the workpiece information of scan and conducted the binarization segmentation on the image of the metal workpiece surface by using the automatic selection threshold to automatically select and identify varied defects.

Keywords: machine vision; surface defect; CCD; image processing; defect inspecting

目 录
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 引言 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
第2章 图像技术及机器视觉简介 3
2.1图像处理技术 3
2.1.1图像和数字图像 3
2.1.2图像技术和图像工程 3
2.2数字图像处理系统 4
2.2.1图像处理和分析系统 4
2.2.2图像采集模块 4
2.2.3图像的数据编码和传输 5
2.3机器视觉技术 5
2.3.1机器视觉技术简介 5
2.3.2机器视觉系统的概念、组成及特点 6
2.4机器视觉系统的应用及发展动向 7
2.4.1机器视觉检测应用 7
2.4.2机器视觉系统的发展动向 7
第3章 系统总体设计 9
3. 1 CCD摄像头 9
3. 2图像采集卡 9
3.2.1视频输入信号及采样频率 10
3.2.2视频输入窗口和显示窗口 10
3. 3软件设计 10
第4章 缺陷检测软件设计 11
4. 1图像实时采集模块 11
4. 2图像预处理模块 11
4. 3阈值选取模块 12
4. 4图像测量模块 12
4. 5缺陷检测模块 19
4.5.1二值图像区域标记 21
4.5.2二值图像的小区域消除 22
4. 6缺陷识别模块 22
第5章 实验结果及分析 25
5.1实验数据 25
5.2实验分析 26
全文总结 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32

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  • 关键词 机器 视觉 玻璃 表面 缺陷 检测系统
  • 上一篇:基于 Labview 的全自动洗衣机测试上位机软件设计与实现
  • 下一篇:基于sharepoint2007的软件项目进度管理系统
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