Mobile video surveillance system
Abstract: Mobile video surveillance technology is the application of video technology in mobile network the purpose of the mobile terminal is to provide real-time mobile monitoring services.It is a product of the intergration of wireless network technology,streaming media technology and video surveillance technology.Because video surveillance system is not restricted by space,easy to deploy and use,the mobile video surveillance system has become a hot spot of research and application in the field of monitoring and control.This artcle mainly talked about the six parts,the first part is the overview of system,the second part is the system requirement analysis,the third part is the system solution,the fourth part is the mobile video surveillance system which can realize the specific function and innovation,the fifth part is the conclusion,the six part is the reference .System overview is divided into introduction,formation and development of system,system of business advantages,application fields of the system.System requirements analysis is divided into management requirements analysis,safely requirements analysis,transport demand analysis.System solutions can be divided into the classification of the solution and solution analysis of video monitoring system,train video monitoring system in the subway which can realize the funcations and innovation can be divided into specific funcyions can be realized,which can realize the classification of the specific function,the innovation of the mobile video surveillance system.
Keywords: Video Surveillance、The wireless network、ICR technology、ROI technology、IP monitoring technology
一、系统概述 1
(一)系统简介 1
(二)系统的构成和发展 2
1、系统的构成 2
2、系统的发展现状 3
(三)系统的业务优点 4
1、业务优点 4
2、优点概述 4
(四)系统的应用领域 4
1、应用领域 4
2、应用领域概述 5
二、系统需求分析 8
(一)管理需求分析 8
1、对乘客的管理 8
2、对司乘人员的管理 8
(二)安全需求分析 9
1、乘客的安全 9
2、司乘人员的安全 9
(三)传输需求分析 9
1、数据的传输 9
2、图像的清晰程度 9
三、系统解决方案 10
(一)解决方案的分类 10
(二)列车视频监控系统的解决方案分析 11
1、监控系统特点 11
2、现有无线传输方法的比较 11
3、列车移动视频监控系统组网方案 13
4、列车移动视频监控系统的实现 14
5、列车移动视频监控系统关键技术的阐述 15
(三)视频监控系统在火车上的应用 15
1、视频监控系统的特点 15
2、监控系统设备选型 15
3、监控系统的组成 16
4、具体实施的方法 19
5、视频监控系统的优势 20
(四)视频监控系统在公交车上的应用 20
1、城市公交的情况 20
2、公交视频监控系统的特点 20
3、公交视频监控系统的组成 20
4、公交监控的实现 21
(五)视频监控系统在地铁上的应用 22
四、移动视频监控可实现的具体功能及创新 23
(一)移动视频监控实现的功能 23
1、实时预览 23
2、语音对讲 23
3、接收报警 23
4、录像、抓拍 24
(二)移动视频监控系统的创新 24
1、业务模式的创新 24
2、主要技术的创新 24
五、结束语 24
六、参考文献 25
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