


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2025年
  • 原价: ¥608
  • 活动价: ¥400 (活动截止日期:2025-01-23)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

关键词 :智能家居;云架构;ZigBee;wifi




With the rapid development of economy, the quality of life that people pursue with is getting increasingly higher. Therefore, setting up a pleasing, low costing and efficient Intelligent Home System has been one of the hottest topics in the 21st century.
The application prospect of the internet will be an essential breakthrough of intelligent home system, having great significance for the development of intelligent industry. Taking “approachable to life, convenient to use” as the design concept, this design builds an Intelligent Home Gateway System based on IOT. Modules of our design are made of the gateway board, gusset plate, web page and APP. The main functions of the design include: through browser, PC can display temperature and humidity data collected by gusset plate and control the on-off state of LED of gusset plate. Likewise, the APP has the same effects.The gateway board acts as the bridge of the whole system, as both the communication between gusset plate and PC and the communication between gusset board and APP need the transmission through the gateway board. To achieve this, the design of gateway adopts NXP’s LPC 1769 as the MCU on hardware. This system builds an Ethernet controller composed of Ethernet module with embedded STM32 and DP83848 chip; it also constructs a Gateway System in which includes wifi module, ZigBee module and W25Q128 storage chip. About software, which includes the uIP Protocol Task and other task modules, it produces a Web Server function within the framework of uC/OS-II RTOS. By designing relevant web pages and APP, that is,PC terminal and mobile terminal, the design approach of using convenience is presented; By collecting the temperature and humidity data, the design concept of approaching to life is realized. Ultimately an Intelligent Home Gateway System of IOT is created.
Key word:Smart Home; Internet of Things; ZigBee; wifi







第1 章 绪论 1
1.1 智能家居的概念 1
1.2 云架构的智能家居 1
1.2.1 云架构的概念 1
1.2.2 云架构的智能家居系统 2
1.3 研究意义 3
第2章 系统的总体设计 4
2.1 网关板的功能介绍 4
2.2 系统的设计方案 4
第3章 硬件设计概述 6
3.1 网关板的设计概述 6
3.1.1 网关板的总体设计概述 6
3.1.2 STM32的相关概述 6
3.1.3 以太网控制器概述 7
3.1.4 xbee模块概述 8
3.1.5 wifibee模块概述 8
3.1.6 FLASH存储器概述 8
3.2 ZigBee节点板概述 9
第4章 软件设计 10
4.1 软件的总体设计概述 10
4.2 uC/OS-II操作系统和uIP协议概述 10
4.2.1 uC/OS-II操作系统简介 10
4.2.2 uIP协议简介 12
4.3 开发工具介绍 13
4.3.1 Keil MDK  简介 13
4.3.2 Dreamweaver 简介 13
4.3.3 Ecplise简介 14
4.4 网关板的软件设计与实现 14
4.4.1 网关板的软件框架 14
4.4.2 网关板的软件代码分析 17
⑴ 网关板程序框架分析 17
⑵ WebServer的实现过程 18
⑶ 获取网页数据的过程 20
4.5  网页设计 22
4.5.1 网页设计结构 22
4.5.2 网页数据的响应过程 24
4.6 xbee和wifibee网络通信的实现与设计 25
4.6.1 通信协议的定制 25
4.6.2 xbee通信的实现 27
4.6.3 wifibee通信的实现 28
4.7  APP的实现过程 28
4.7.1 APP的界面设计 28
4.7.2 代码分析 28
第5章 系统的搭建与测试 34
5.1 PC机的环境搭建 34
5.2 PC机访问网关板测试 35
5.3 手机APP访问网关板测试 38
第6章 总结与展望 40
6.1 毕业设计总结 40
6.2 未来展望 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42

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  • 关键词 架构 家具 网关 实现
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