


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥317
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

The design and implementation of the residential burglar alarm system
Abstract:With the improvement of people's living standard, people feel that the house is not only as a simple living space, but also put forward a more comfortable, safe and so on. With the continuous development of society, people need a safe and warm harbor, the demand for anti-theft alarm system will continue to increase. Now many people home guard against theft to also have certain measures and security measures in general is to install anti-theft door, anti-theft window, but its role of residential door has some limitations, the traditional mechanical anti-theft doors, security windows and other household anti-theft equipment safety is not high, and will cause some security risks, escape not only in the event of a disaster, rescue difficult, put for a long time in outdoor easy corrosion of fall injured pedestrians, but also affect the city appearance. Traditional security personnel on duty patrol in a certain extent have deterrent effect on criminals, but the thief modus operandi diversity but plus the personnel on duty of the accidental omission is likely to let criminals have an opportunity, of the household life and property security risks. Now, the construction of safe and civilized district in all parts of the country are carried out in full swing up, and the cancellation of anti-theft doors, security windows voices are increasingly high, living in the environment as the mood will also affected, like living in a cage like, people began to seek more scientific preventive measures, anti-theft system composed of a series of high-tech anti-theft products along with it into the our life. Residential burglar alarm system can monitor the life and property safety of the head of household in real time. Anti theft alarm system, it has a lot of functions, one is automatic alarm, there is an emergency alarm device: emergency button, so that the safety factor of the household is greatly improved.
Key Words: Fire alarm; Intelligent alarm system; Automatic dialing

目     录
一、概述 1
(一)防盗报警系统的意义 1
(二)防盗报警系统的发展前景 1
(三)防盗报警系统的组成形式 2
1、防盗报警探测器 2
2、防盗报警控制器 2
3、信号传输部分 2
4、复核与出击 2
二、系统分析 2
(一)住宅防盗报警系统的需求分析 2
(二)住宅防盗报警系统的目标分析 3
三、系统方案设计 3
(一)系统选择的原则 3
(二)系统设计的整体原则 3
(三)系统的设计方案 4
(四)系统框图 4
(五)系统可实现的功能 5
四、系统说明 6
(一)系统说明 6
五、系统施工 6
(一)设备说明及选型 6
1、无线门磁 6
2、煤气泄漏报警器 6
3、烟感探头 7
4、玻璃破碎报警探测器 7
5、紧急按钮 7
6、报警主机 7
7、被动红外报警探测器 8
(二)设备安装配置及调试 8
(三)系统流程图 9
六、附设备清单 9
七、结论与展望 11
(一)结论 11
(二)展望 11
八、毕业设计小结 11
九、参考文献 12

[1]许锦标  楼宇智能化技术[M]  机械工业出版社,2010
 [2]侯佳奎  楼宇智能化系统综合实训[M]  重庆大学出版社,2013
[3]曲丽萍  楼宇自动化系统[M]  中国电力出版社,2004
[4]陈天娥  智能楼宇弱电设备安装与调试[M]  高等教育出版社,2008



  • 关键词 住宅 防盗 报警系统 实现
  • 上一篇:(代做神经网络毕业设计)基于神经网络的浅层地下水特征仿真研究
  • 下一篇:小区车辆出入管理系统
  • 暂无购买记录



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