


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥304
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


摘  要

关键词: 变压器;负荷计算;变电所;低压配电

    CAD technology is another application of computer technology in the field of electrical engineering design. But our country for distribution of CAD technology remains in calculating and drawing phase separation stage, has not yet formed the integration of CAD system, and for the design of distribution system is a complex project. It includes demand analysis, at all levels of the load capacity, high and low voltage power distribution system design, electrical design, need analysis, calculation and drawing of a lot of and huge workload.
    Based on the above analysis, design principles and design elements of 6kV and below the low-voltage power supply system, find the design data and design specification, all kinds of electrical design manual, to understand the various data needed for the design, and based on the electric power supply system, graphic relation mechanism between data, and the relationship between the scheme on the topological description and structure identification of power supply and distribution system; establish 6kV and low voltage element main equipment for the power distribution of a part of the transformer circuit breaker, current transformer, voltage fuse, switch description method and related knowledge rules; using object-oriented technology and graphic design technology. The expression of electrical equipment characteristics of the basic graphics library, graphics library and template library branch; create analysis calculation, drawing, data Deal with the integration of the power supply and distribution of a CAD system of the overall structure of the framework, completed the design of each function module of the load calculation and reactive power compensation, determine the transformer selection, main wiring, electrical equipment selection; and print and output of graphics output and all kinds of documents.
Key words: transformer; load calculation; substation; low voltage power distribution


摘  要 I
绪  论 2
1总体设计方案 4
2 车间变电所负荷计算及无功补偿 5
2.1车间负荷计算(机加工一车间) 6
2.2无功功率补偿 9
3车间变电所主变压器的选择 10
4 变电所主接线方案的设计 11
5 短路电流和容量的计算 13
6 变电所一次设备的选择 16
6.1  一次设备选择的一般要求 16
6.2  选择各类电气设备的特别的要求 16
6.3  一次设备校验应满足的条件 17
7  变电所高压进线和低压出线的选择 18
7.1变电所进线方式的选择 18
7.2 变配电所进出导线和电缆的选择 19
7.3 各类电力线路的导线截面的选择步骤 19
7.4 电力线路选择的具体公式 20
7.5 设计进出线的选择 21
8 车间配电线路设计 22
8.1  6KV高压母线的选择 23
8.2 车间变电所低压侧母线的选择: 24
9继电保护以及二次回路的设计 24
9.1  继电保护装置的基本要求 24
9.2  二次回路的接线安装要求 25
9.4  6KV主变压器的保护装置设计 26
9.5  高压断路器的操动机构控制与信号回路 28
9.6 防雷保护和接地装置设计 29
鸣  谢 31
参考文献 32



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[2]李小雄.供配电系统运行与维护[M].  化学工业出版社,2010.8.  15-23
[3]张朝英. 供电技术[M] 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2005.37-45
[4] 洪佩孙.电力系统继电保护[M].北京:水利电力出版社.1987. 35-43
[5] 戴绍基. 建筑供配电技术[M]. 北京机械工业出版社,2007.7
[6] GB50053-94,10kV及以下变电所设计规范[S] .1-7
[7]孙成普.供配电技术[M]. 北京: 北京大学出版社 2006. 53-64
[8]沈胜标.二次回路[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2006. 45-53
[9]王京伟. 供电所电工图表手册[M],中国水利水电出版社,2005. 26-34
[10]杜松怀.电力系统接地技术[M].中国电力出版社2011.6  29-37
http://edu.zhulong.com/lesson/3088-1.html  2014 -8-20



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  • 关键词 6kv 变电 所及 低压 配电
  • 上一篇:35kv变电站一次设计
  • 下一篇:1兆瓦渔光互补光伏电站施工方案
  • 暂无购买记录



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