


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥299
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-27)
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题    目:   60kv无人值守变电所电气部分设计                             

院    系:                                
专    业:                                
成    绩:                                


年   月   日

摘 要



With the rapid development of social modernization, and in recent years, the city power grid construction also increased, the area of different voltage grade change electric construction has become very important in the power industry to a building plays an important role. This graduation design thesis is the design of the electrical part of the 60kV sun's house of the buck substation. In order to ensure the reliability of the power supply and meet the requirements of long-term load, according to the long-term load planning to design and construction, so as to ensure that the power supply can be long-term reliable power supply
Firstly, the active load, reactive load and apparent power load are obtained by using the coefficient method. The application of calculation load results in the final determination of two 20000kVA transformer as the main transformer, and reactive power compensation value is 3742kVar. Electric main wiring is through the two main wiring of the economy, reliability and the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the main wiring. In the calculation of the short circuit current, the three short circuit points of the high voltage side, the low pressure side and the load side are chosen. Under the normal working condition of electrical equipment (such as circuit breaker, isolating switch, current transformer, voltage transformer, bus and the lightning rod) choice, short-circuit conditions check electrical equipment according to the dynamic stability and heat stability. The high voltage side of the high voltage distribution device adopts the power distribution device outside the house. After the transformer protection and lightning protection, transformer protection for gas protection and differential protection, lightning protection for the use of lightning rod protection.
Keywords: substation; short-circuit calculation; electrical main wiring; equipment selection; relay protection
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1变电所概述 1
1.2本文设计内容 1
第2章 负荷分析计算 3
2.1负荷计算的内容和目的 3
2.2负荷计算 3
第3章 无功补偿及主变压器的选择 5
3.1提高功率因数的意义和作用、补偿方式 5
3.2无功补偿计算 6
3.3主变器的确定 7
第4章 电气主接线设计 9
4.1主接线设计的基本要求 9
4.2电气主接线的选择 10
第5章 短路电流计算 15
5.1短路概述 15
5.2 短路计算 17
第6章 电气设备的选择及校验 21
6.1高压电器选择的一般要求 21
6.2断路器的选择与校验 24
6.2.1高压侧断路器的选择与校验 24
6.2.2变压器10kV侧入口处断路器选择与校验 24
6.3隔离开关的选择与校验 25
6.3.1 高压侧隔离开关的选择与校验 25
6.3.2变压器10kV侧出口隔离开关选择与校验 26
6.4互感器的选择与校验 27
6.4.1电压互感器的选择与校验 27
6.4.2电流互感器的选择与校验 27
6.5母线的选择与校验 29
6.5.1 60kV侧母线选择与校验 29
6.5.2 10kV侧母线选择与校验 30
6.6避雷器的保护原理 30
第7章 高压配电装置 32
7.1高压配电装置和设计原则及要求 32
7.2设备的配置 33
第8章 变压器继电保护设计 36
8.1 继电保护的一般规定 36
8.2 变压器保护 37
第9章 防雷保护接地设计 41
9.1 防雷设计概述 41
9.2 避雷针的确定 42
第10章 结论 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 46
附 录 47

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  • 关键词 60kv 无人 值守 变电所 电气 部分
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