


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥305
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-22)
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摘  要

(一)掌握有限冲击响应(Finite Impulse Response, )的基本结构,研究现有的实现方法。对各种方案和步骤进行比较和论证分析,然后针对目前高速并行滤波器需要的特点,速度快和硬件规模小,作为指导思想进行设计计算。
(三)设计中的软件仿真使用Altera公司的综合性PLD开发软件Quartus II,并且利用Matlab工具进行对比仿真,在仿真的过程中,对比证明,本论文设计的滤波器的技术指标已经全部达标。

关键词:高速并行滤波器   Matlab   可编程逻辑元件   模块化算法 






As we have entered the twenty st century, our technology is changing continuously with the times. In the modern electronic digital systems, filters are indispensable. Among them, the  digital filters are widely used with the excellent linear characteristic. As is well-known to us all, flexibility and real-time quality are the basic requirements in digital signal processing of engineering practice. Since we have used a variety of filter technology in the past, it is not difficult for us to find many problems in it. Moreover, with the development of modern computer technology in filter, a new branch - digital filter has derived. We make use of the programmable logic devices and EDA technology, together with the FPGA to design the  filter, which is real-time and flexible. In a nutshell, it is imperative to do the research in the  digital filters based on the technology of FPGA.
This thesis is focused on the design of the  digital filters based on the technology of FPGA. Several points are worth mentioning here:
(1)To understand and master the basic structure of the limited shock Response  (Finite Impulse Response, ), research existing realization method,to use various solutions to compare and analyze the steps and demonstrations; then, to do the self design and correction concerning the characteristics of the present  digital filters, that is, fast in speed and small scale in hardware.
    (2) To design  filter based on the characteristics of FPGA hardware. In the design process, ready to use of Matlab software and window function method design filter. As far as the whole FPGA components are concerned, we plan to carry on the modularized and hierarchic design, in order to have a more detailed understanding of the function of each part and make a division of design. Eventually,  digital filters will adopt the VHDL hardware programming language.
(3) To adopt the comprehensive PLD development software Quartus II of the Altera company in the design of the software simulation. And we will use of the Matlab tools for the simulation 。In the simulation process, contrast our filter technology index whether you have all the standards, and filtering whether the result is ideal.

Keywords: digital filter, Matlab, programmable logic devices, Modular Algorithm



目  录

1绪 论 1
1.1本课题研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状分析 1
1.3研究思路 1
1.4相关概念说明 1
2 高速并行滤波器的设计方法 4
2.1理论部分 4
2.1.1引言 4
2.1.2 高速并行滤波器的基础 4
2.1.3高速并行滤波器的设计原理 6
2.1.4 高速并行滤波器的理论计算方式与参数转换思想: 7
2.1.5 Matlab直接FDAtool设计方式解析 13
2.1.6 FDAtool设计模板及设计结果图 16
2.2程序分析部分 16
2.2.1 FPGA 可编程逻辑元件介绍 16
2.2.2 QuartusⅡ及Verilog HDL介绍 18
2.2.3实际滤波器程序设计(11阶高速并行滤波器) 19
2.2.4.VerilogHDL的实现 20
3 滤波器仿真滤波 28
3.1设置混合信号 28
3.2设置仿真参数 31
3.3 仿真总结 33
4 总结与展望 33
4.1 设计成果总结 33
4.2 设计心得 33
参考文献 35
致谢 36

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  • 关键词 FPGA 高速 并行 滤波器
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