


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥305
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


Along with rapid development of Mobile Internet,monitoring the health status by portable terminal, becomes a more feasible choice of medical treatment.This design put foward an available scheme aimed at the problem.In the design,first of all,collecting human pulse signal by pulse sensor , then send it to the android terminal by bluetooth as wireless form,extract the signal from bluetooth on Android system, realizes the data read and data store, and then draw the real-time waveform according to received data, the current heart rate could be obtained through the handling of waveform analysis and testing, finally we learn on the current health status of the tester and make a simple review and advice.
The datas for the design collected by photoelectric pulse sensor, the pluse sensor works by the transmission of light,to detect the change of blood concentration with the change of light intensity, result in voltage changing. The data converted to the digital signal on the bluetooth development board,and broadcast constantly .The application on the android could start bluetooth of the equipment and gained the broadcasting bluetooth signal, then established a connection and access to data services, received the pulse signal in real-time state. The data would be processed by algorithm in application, saved in the text file, and real-time waveform is given in the chart on the view of screen.Aanalyzing the wave form, the application could calculate the current heart rate of tester, and then application could show the the healthy condition of the tester according to the heart rate . Other functions such as registration, and static display can be achieved by adding the corresponding code in the application,such approach ensure the accuracy of the data and add the necessary function, enrich and perfect the application, make it can be widely used.
Key words:pluse;bluetooth;Android;waveform;health
第一章 绪论 1
1.1移动医疗的背景 1
1.2设计的意义与目的 2
1.3设计的内容和功能实现 2
1.4设计的可行方案 3
1.4.1 Matlab+压电传感器 3
1.4.2 Android应用+光电传感器 3
第二章 硬件设计 4
2.1 Android硬件平台 4
2.1.1模拟器Genymotion 4
2.1.2智能手机 6
2.2蓝牙开发平台 8
2.2.1 蓝牙4.0 BLE简介 8
2.2.2 开发板CC254x 8
2.3老人外出看护管理子系统 9
第三章 软件设计 13
3.1软件整体结构 13
3.1.1软件功能说明 13
3.1.2整体流程说明 14
3.2各功能模块设计 14
3.2.1蓝牙传输模块 14
3.2.2数据接收模块 17
3.2.3数据处理模块 18
3.2.4图表显示模块 20
3.2.5界面布局 22
3.2.6注册模块 23
3.2.7设置模块 26
第四章 运行及测试 28
4.1运行效果 28
4.1.1测试与咨询 28
4.1.2注册及设置 31
4.2技术难点 34
4.2.1硬件难点 34
4.2.2软件难点 35
总结 39
参考文献 40
附录二 程序源代码 41

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[5]Choi,Kwanghoon.A type and effect system for activation flow of components in Android programs[J],Information Processing Letters, 2014,(11):620-627.
[6]Ham,Hyung Kil,Mobile application compatibility test system design for Android fragmentation[J],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2011,(257):314-320.
[14]佘志龙.Google Android SDK开发范例大全[M],人民邮电出版社,2011.11.


http://www.bysj360.com/  http://www.bysj360.com/html/5215.html   http://www.bylw520.net


  • 关键词 老人 监护 实现
  • 上一篇:无线遥控调光的研制
  • 下一篇:简单心率计的设计与实现
  • 暂无购买记录



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