


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


摘 要:生姜是我国的主要经济作物,在我国南通地区有大量的种植。人工切片费时费力,切片效果不好,经常有厚薄不均的现象出现,为了提高切片效率减少加工户的经济损失,小型生姜切片机械得到加工户的青睐,因此设计一款小型化生姜切片机械就显得十分重要。本设计旨在解决人工切片存在的问题,解决家庭及个体加工户对小型化机械的需求。根据生姜的形状、含水率、淀粉及糖份含量、材质硬度,合理设计切片机构,根据加工要求以及切片厚度,进行力学分析,按照功率设计传动机构,根据生姜的淀粉及糖份含量分析黏附力,合理设计落料机构。所进行的机构设计涉及机械设计、机械原理、机构学、材料以及力学的相关内容,设计中合理选择相关常用件及标准件,使设计的机构合理简洁具有互换性。各部分机构的设计要考虑整体性,传动件采用柔性传动,以适合物料投送特点。本设计介绍了生姜在生活中的地位和作用,简要提到了国内外生姜切片机的发展现状。设计了一款以电机为原动力,通过带和齿轮传动,曲柄滑块机构为切片装置,槽轮为间歇推料装置的生姜切片机。该切片机结构简单,成本低廉。主要用于家用,小作坊场合。
Abstract: ginger is the main cash crop in China. It has a large number of planting in Nantong. The artificial slice is time-consuming and laborious, the effect of slicing is not good, and there is often the phenomenon of uneven thickness. In order to improve the efficiency of slicing and reduce the economic loss of the processing households, the small ginger slice machine gets the favor of the processing households. Therefore, it is very important to design a miniaturized ginger slice machine. The purpose of this design is to solve the problems existing in artificial slicing, and to solve the needs of family and individual processors for miniaturized machinery. According to the shape, moisture content, starch and sugar content and material hardness of ginger, the cutting mechanism was designed reasonably, the mechanical analysis was carried out according to the processing requirements and the thickness of the slice, and the transmission mechanism was designed according to the power of the ginger and the adhesion force was analyzed according to the starch and sugar content of ginger, and the blanking mechanism was designed reasonably. The design of the mechanism involves the related contents of mechanical design, mechanical principle, mechanism, material and mechanics, and the rational selection of relevant common parts and standard parts in the design, so that the design mechanism is reasonable and simple and interchangeable. The design of all parts should be considered in a holistic way, and the transmission parts are driven by flexible transmission to fit the material delivery characteristics. This design introduces the status and role of ginger in life, and briefly introduces the development status of ginger slicer at home and abroad. A ginger slicer is designed, which is driven by motor and driven by belt and gear, crank slide mechanism as slicing device and grooved wheel as intermittent pushing device. The structure of the slicer is simple and the cost is low. It is mainly used for household and small workshops.
Key words: ginger, slicing machine, grooved wheel intermittent pushing, crank slider mechanism
1 前言 4
1.1 研究目的和意义 4
1.2 生姜的药用价值 5
1.3生姜的食用价值 5
1.4几种食用生姜制品与加工方法 5
1.4.1 糖渍冰姜 5
1.4.2 醋姜 6
1.3.3 糟姜 6
1.3.4 酱姜 6
1.3.5 蜜制姜丝 7
1.3.6 姜汁凝乳 7
1.5国内外研究现状 8
1.6 研究的主要内容 8
1.7 研究的主要目标 8
2 生姜切片机的设计 9
2.1 生姜切片机设计的要求 9
2.1.1 该生姜切片机设计: 9
2.2 生姜间歇进料机构的确定和设计 9
2.3 切片机往复切片装置方案的确定 11
2.3.1凸轮机构 11
2.3.2齿轮齿条机构 12
2.3.3 曲柄滑块机构 12
3 传动机构的确定和设计 13
3.1 电机的选型 13
3.2 减速系统的设计 13
3.2.1皮带传动的设计: 13
3.2.2两级齿轮设计: 14
4 轴的设计与计算 21
4.1 计算传动装置各轴的运动和动力参数 21
4.2 切片轴的设计 22
4.3推料轴的设计 24
5.生姜切片机推料装置的设计 28
6.1曲柄滑块机构的设计 29
6.2刀具的设计 29
参考文献 32
1 前言
1.1 研究目的和意义
1.2 生姜的药用价值
1.4.1 糖渍冰姜
  • 关键词 生姜 切片机
  • 上一篇:磨削试样V型缺口砂轮修整器设计
  • 下一篇:小孔节流静压金刚镗头改进设计与工艺研究
  • 暂无购买记录



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