


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥315
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随着时代的进步,各个行业的科技的发展也是非常迅猛,可以说是日新月异,令人应接不暇。无线通信、传感器等技术的高速发展,物联网这一概念应世而出。物联网最早被提出是在1999年,是由美国提出的。在当时,物联网还不叫物联网,而是被称作传感网。之所以被称为传感网,是因为这是一项通过射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification)、红外感应器、激光扫描等信息传感的设备将任何物品和互联网进行连接,从而对信息进行交换和物体和互联网的通信的技术。
The planning and design of Internet of things smart home
Abstract:With the progress of the times, the development of various sectors of science and technology is also very fast, it can be said that with each passing day, is overwhelmed.The rapid development of wireless communication, sensor technology, networking this concept should be created.The Internet of things was first raised in 1999, proposed by the United states.At the time, things are not called things, but called the sensor network.The reason that it is called the sensor network, because this is a through the RFID (radio frequency identification), infrared sensors and laser scanning information sensing equipment will be for any of the items and the Internet connection, thus the information exchange and the object and the Internet communication technology.
The Internet and networking in the background of the rapid development of technology, intelligent and networking Home Furnishing has gradually been linked. What is the first smart Home Furnishing? Intelligent Home Furnishing is a new industry, it is different from the traditional sense of the concept of intelligent Home Furnishing, Home Furnishing is on the Internet under the joint evident. Smart home through the network technology the home in a variety of equipment such as audio equipment, control curtains, lighting systems, security system and environmental system connected together to achieve the integration of devices in the home and at multiple levels of control, in the smart home, a full range of information exchange. And the traditional sense of Home Furnishing compared intelligent Home Furnishing more comfortable, safe and convenient, greatly improving the quality of people's lives.
So the planning and design of intelligent networking Home Furnishing is more and more modern people's attention, this paper discusses and studies from the two aspects of design and planning of the intelligent Home Furnishing.
Keywords: Internet; intelligent control; Home Furnishing
摘要: 3
第一章绪论 4
1.1课题的背景及意义 4
1.2国内外发展及现状概要 4
1.3技术特点 6
1.4课题研究的内容 7
第二章系统的硬件设计 9
2.1最小系统模块 9
2.2传感器模块 9
2.2.1温度传感器的组成和特点 9
2.2.2PM2.5传感器的特点和功能 10
2.2.3风雨感应器 10
2.2.4光敏传感器 10
2.3.LCD模块 11
2.3.1LCD管脚介绍 11
2.3.2LCD1602的特色 11
2.4继电器模块 11
2.5AD转换模块 11
2.6复位电路模块 12
2.7单片机晶振电路 12
第三章软件系统的设计 13
3.1STC89c52开发工具的介绍 13
3.1.1keil u Vision2介绍 13
3.1.2keil u Vision2的使用步骤 13
3.2 主要子系统的软件部分 14
3.2.1灯光设备的控制 14
3.2.2窗帘的控制 15
3.2.3LCD显示器的初始化和配置步骤 16
3.3门禁控制 17
3.3.1功能介绍 17
3.3.2主要的小模块 18
3.3.3门禁系统组成的框图 19
3.3.4关键代码 19
3.4远程医疗系统的展望 20
3.5系统、程序控制中心 21
3.5.1功能需求 21
3.5.2功能模块设计 21
3.5.3数据库 22
第四章物联网智能家居总体分析 24
4.1物联网智能家居中无线网络的概述 24
4.2物联网智能家居的总体环境 24
4.3家居中的通信原理 25
第五章总结 27
5.1总结 27
5.2展望和不足 28
小结并致谢 28
参考文献 30

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  • 关键词 联网 智能家居 规划
  • 上一篇:(写作物联网专业毕业论文)基于ZigBee物联网智能家居的设计与实现
  • 下一篇:基于物联网的智能家居系统的设计与实现
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