DA 型先导式卸荷阀的测绘与装配实现

DA 型先导式卸荷阀的测绘与装配实现

DA 型先导式卸荷阀的测绘与装配实现

  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥295
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-10-27)
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DA 型先导式卸荷阀的测绘与装配实现

 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的测绘与装配实现

摘要:DA 型先导式卸荷阀属于液压传动器件,它可以运用在很多液压系统中,起着举足轻重的作用。例如轮式装载机里面的转向系统,它采用的就是先导式压力卸荷的液压系统,应用这种液压系统在很大的程度上改善了这个机器的性能,也提升整个机器的可靠性能。到目前为止,液压的技术正在走向高速度,高压力,高集成化,高效率以及低噪声的方向。综上所述,液压传动的技术正在以飞快的速度发展,并且应用在我国的各个领域之中,比如国防领域,工业领域,农业领域等等。
本次课题是对 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的测绘与安装实现,它主要是有先导阀体和主阀体等零部件组成,在测绘的过程中记录下来,然后采用 AutoCAD 绘制二维零部件图和装配图,然后使用 UG 软件把阀体外形和阀体内外部分的零部件都建模出来,详细说出主要零部件的建模过程,简要的带过其他的零部件,最后制作安装和拆卸的动画并且录制下来。
Mapping and Assembly realization of DA Pioneer unloading Valve
Absrtact: The .DA pilot unloading valve belongs to the hydraulic transmission device, it can be used in many hydraulic systems, and plays an important role. For example, the steering system in the wheel loader uses a pilot pressure unloading hydraulic system. The application of this hydraulic system improves the performance of the machine to a great extent, and also improves the reliability of the whole machine. So far, hydraulic technology is moving in the direction of high speed, high pressure, high integration, high efficiency and low noise. To sum up, hydraulic transmissionMobile technology is developing at a rapid speed and applied in all fields of our country, such as national defense, industry, agriculture and so on.
This subject is the mapping and installation of DA type pilot unloading valve, which is mainly composed of pilot valve body and main valve body, recorded in the process of surveying and mapping, and then used AutoCAD to draw 2D parts and assembly drawings. Then use UG software to model the body shape and the parts inside and outside of the valve body, describe the modeling process of the main parts in detail, briefly bring other parts, and finally make and record the animation of installation and disassembly. Keywords: AutoCADUG; 3D modeling; cartoon
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的意义,目的 1
1.2 课题的主要内容 2
1.3 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的构造与原理简介 3
1.4 先导式卸荷阀的应用场合和作用 5
第二章 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的测绘 6
2.1 测绘的注意事项 6
2.2 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的二维零件图 6
2.3 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的二维装配图 6
第三章 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的三维建模 8
3.1 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的技术要求 8
3.2 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的建模 9
3.3 本章小结 22
第四章 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的装配 23
4.1 DA 型先导式卸荷阀的装配 23
4.2 本章小结 26
第五章 装配运动动画 27
5.1 装配动画制作 27
第六章 总结与展望 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
[3]陆培文.实用阀门设计手册(第 3 版)[M].北京:机械工业出版社.2012
[5]左建华主编.液压与气动(第 2 版)[M].北京:机械工业出版社.1995.5(2015.1 重印)
[6]李锦,郑伟,吴涛.中文版 UG NX 10.0 技术大全[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2018.1
  • 关键词 DA 先导 式卸 荷阀 测绘 装配 实现
  • 上一篇:2FRM 型调速阀测绘与装配实现
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