摘 要
Construction organization design of the main structure of office building 2 in Windsor town
Construction Organization design is an indispensable part of the construction, is the overall design of the project, is a more comprehensive document. The construction organization design of this project is based on the No. 2 residential building of Suhe Xiawan community. The proposed project site is located in Suhe Xiawan community, Zhongmu County, Zhengzhou. The project is an 7-storey Shear Wall structure with a construction area of 7451.29 square meters. In this paper, the general construction deployment, construction preparation, construction progress plan, main resource plan, construction site layout, construction quality assurance measures and other factors are considered, and the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the construction period is 100 days; (2) the construction scheme is based on the main body of the project, and construction machinery such as tower crane is equipped to ensure the quality of the project; (3) according to the proposed construction scheme, the organizational structure of 25 people including the project manager, and the Labor plan with General Labor and Special Labor are determined (4) the size and location of the temporary facilities such as the steel processing plant and the construction waste accumulation place are determined in the plan according to the resource plan. In the technical, organizational, construction management and operation, as far as possible to make a comprehensive, reasonable, scientific arrangements to project construction quality, efficient, economic and safe environmental protection to complete the construction task.
Key words: Windsor town office building;Main body project;Construction organization design
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 编制依据与编制原则 1
1.1 编制依据 1
1.2 编制原则 1
2 工程概况 1
2.1 总体简介 1
2.2 建筑概况 2
2.3 结构概况 2
3 施工组织概况 3
3.1 工程目标 3
3.2 组织管理机构 3
3.3 施工作业部署 4
3.4 保障措施 5
4 施工进度计划 6
4.1 主体工程进度计划 6
4.1.1 混凝土工程量计算 6
4.1.2 模板工程量计算 6
4.1.3 钢筋工程量计算 7
4.2 工期计算 7
5 施工准备 9
5.1 技术准备 9
5.2 人员准备 9
5.3 现场准备 10
5.4 材料、机械准备 10
6 施工总平面图布置 11
6.1 总平面图设计步骤 11
6.2 主要临时设施 11
6.3 施工临时用电 11
6.4 施工临时用水 12
7 主体工程分项施工方案及技术措施 12
7.1 施工工艺 12
7.2 基础工程 12
7.3 主体工程分项施工方案 14
7.3.1 钢筋工程 14
7.3.2 模板工程 17
7.3.3 混凝土工程 20
7.5 冬雨季施工措施 22
8 主要资源配备计划 23
8.1 劳动力安排计划 23
8.2 机械配置计划 23
8.3 材料配置计划 24
9 工程质量保证措施 25
10 安全文明施工及环境保护措施 26
10.1 文明施工措施 26
10.2 环境保护措施 26
结 论 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 30
附 录 31
1 编制依据与编制原则
1.1 编制依据
1.2 编制原则
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