


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥299
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-28)
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 目           录  
设 计 总 说 明 2
Design   Instruction 3
第一章  概   论 4
1.1茶叶的组成和分类 4
1.2紧压茶 5
1.3液压式压茶机的意义 6
第二章  国内外液压技术与压茶机研究现状 7
2.1国内外液压技术研究现状 7
2.2压茶机研究现状 7
第三章  液压传动和压茶机工作原理 8
3.1液压传动原理 8
3.2压茶机工作原理 9
3.3泵直接传动 10
3.4泵-蓄势器传动液压系统 12
3.5增压器工作原理图 13
第四章  压茶机主要部件的设计 14
4.1压茶机结构选择 14
4.2压茶机机体及主要部件的设计 14
4.2.1压茶机基本参数的确定 14
4.2.2压茶机零部件的初步设计 15
4.2.3压茶机油缸的设计 22
4.3挤压筒的结构形式 27
4.3.1挤压筒尺寸计算和强度校核 27
4.3挤压筒的合理使用 28
4.4挤压轴的设计 29
4.4.1结构设计 29
4.4.2挤压轴的尺寸计算与强度的校核 29
4.5立柱导向装置 30
第五章  压茶机液压控制系统分析及元件的设计 31
5.1液压系统原理简图 31
5.2压茶机液压系统中液压件的选择和计算 33
第 六 章    结    论 35
致       谢 36
参  考  文   献 37
设 计 总 说 明

关键词:液压系统    液压式压茶机      转型升级

Design  Instruction
    From the beginning of the 20 world in 70, electronics and computer in the field of hydraulic technology, hydraulic transmission and control technology has been further developed, and obtained great benefit. As in the aspects of product design, manufacturing and testing, calculation, design the hydraulic system of hydraulic components and performance simulation, automatic drawing and data acquisition and processing by computer, can improve the quality of hydraulic products, optimize its performance, reduce the cost, and shorten the production and delivery cycle. In the aspects of equipment control, use computer control hydraulic system, can simplify the operation, improve labor productivity, improve the level of automation, and increase the reliability of the product.
Hydraulic transmission due to the power to weight ratio, stepless speed regulation, automatic control, overload protection and other aspects of the unique advantages of the technology, which is widely used in various industries. Especially combined with the computer, the computer aided design of new hydraulic components and hydraulic systems (CAD), electromechanical integration technology, computer simulation technology and optimization technology to hydraulic drive towards high voltage, high speed, high power, high efficiency, low noise, low energy consumption, durable, highly integrated development.
As people's living standards continue to improve, life began to pursue a healthy lifestyle, tea began to enter people's daily life, the sharp rise in demand for tea. While the tea traditional processing mode can't meet the market supply. Entering the new century, in order to further liberate and develop the productive forces, the realization of agricultural modernization in China, must realize the mechanization of agriculture. Tea industry is an important part of China's agriculture, to the development of modern industry, machinery and the integration must realize the tea processing. Tea as a kind of all in tea, demand is also very strong. Through the market investigation and search related tea pressing machine company information, hydraulic pressure tea machine has great economic value and use value, can greatly increase the productivity of the liberation of tea processing, tea production, speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional tea processing industry.
Key words: hydraulic system ,  Hydraulic pressure machine for tea  ,  Transformation and upgradin



                            第一章  概   论
1. 绿茶
2. 红茶
3. 黑茶

参  考  文   献
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  • 关键词 液压 式压 茶机
  • 上一篇:液压式压茶机的设计
  • 下一篇:专用钻床液压系统的设计
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