


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-07-29)
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关键词:组合机床 ,液压系统设计,镗孔
Rough boring engine piston pin hole modular machine tool hydraulic system design
Abstract:Combination machine tools is a kind of can be used for cutting, drilling and many other functions of machine tools. At present, many machine tools are to develop in the direction of automation, it is the trend of the development of the manufacturing progress. At present most of the drive system of modular machine tool adopts hydraulic drive and electrical drive way. The topic of this design for the rough boring engine piston pin hole modular machine tool hydraulic system design, modular machine tool for processing engine piston, is mainly used for coarse bore.
    This design is a rough boring piston hole modular machine tool hydraulic system, to drive the spindle box to realize fast forward, working feed, a short stay and then retreat quickly such a work cycle. According to the piston machining process parameters to determine the main cutting force of 450 N, consumed power 0.895 KW. Considering the whole sliding table and the weight of the spindle box and power loss, the hydraulic system of choice for 13 kw power. Rough boring boring cutter for high speed steel material, cutting speed, machine tool's power sliding maximum axial machine cutting force = 12000 N, power sliding table gravity G = 20000 N, in order to design the size of the hydraulic cylinder and piston of effective area, complete the design of the hydraulic system, to achieve fast forward - work into - stay - fast - the function of the in situ stay back. Then begin to choose other models of hydraulic components, such as hydraulic pump (said small pump flow; hydraulic cylinder work into the required maximum flow), motor model, oil tank and a variety of control valves, etc.
Keywords: modular machine, hydraulic system design, boring
目       录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1  机床概述 1
1.2  液压系统的概况、应用、组成 1
1.2.1  液压传动的发展概况 1
1.2.2  液压传动在机械行业中的应用 1
1.2.3  液压系统的基本组成 1
1.3  机床设计的目的、内容、要求 3
1.3.1  设计的目的 3
1.3.2  设计内容 3
1.3.3  设计要求 3
2、零件分析 4
2.1  零件的结构特点及其技术要求 4
2.2  零件的加工工艺 4
3.机床的总体方案设计 5
3.1 机床的初步设计 5
3.1.1 动力部件的选择 5
3.1.2 主轴箱的选择 5
3.2 机床的配置 5
3.3 机床的主要参数确定 6
3.4 机床的工作循环 7
3.5 确定切削用量及选择刀具 8
3.6 确定切削力及其他参数 8
4.液压系统设计 10
4.1题目 10
4.2液压系统设计计算 10
4.3工况分析、绘制工况图 10
4.3.1.运动分析 10
4.3.2 液压系统负载 11
4.4确定液压缸尺寸 13
4.5根据最低速度要求验算活塞有效面积 13
5. 拟定液压系统原理图 16
5.1 拟定液压系统原理图 16
5.1.1液压缸的选择 16
5.1.2元动机构的设计 17
5.2绘制电磁铁动作循环表 19
6.计算和选择液压元件 20
6.1选择液压泵 20
6.2 计算液压泵的流量 20
6.3 选择液压泵规格 21
6.4计算电动机功率计选择型号 21
6.5选择控制阀 22
6.5.1.计算通过阀的最大流量 22
6.5.2.确定油箱容量 22
结论 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
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  • 关键词 粗镗 发动机 活塞 销孔 组合 机床 液压
  • 上一篇:Q2-8型汽车起重机液压系统设计
  • 下一篇:(代做液压系统毕业设计)钻、镗两用组合机床液压系统设计
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