


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥301
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
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摘  要


    Today, with the development of science and technology , the filling industry has been paid more and more attention. The development of filling industry directly affects the accuracy of liquid filling ,the filling precision not only reflects the development level of the filling machine, but also is a kind of protection of the rights and interests of consumers.
    The design of the filling machine is mainly adapted to use for mineral water, fruit juice and water without liquid filling of gas.It has the advantages of simple operation, low cost and mass production characteristics .The filling production can be applied to some small and medium-
sized enterprises of filling production. It has some main institutions,such as feeding device, the
bottle supply device, bottle table institutions, the bottle of high regulator device and the filling valve. In addition, its function also needs to be driven by the drive system.The following is its basic design scheme . Its overall mechanism is vertical and rotary. The bottle which comes from washing device conveys through the conveyor belt transmission to the bottle supply device.The device can let the bottle be separated,and then send these bottles to bottle table institutions;The liquid filling valve is installed in the cabinet, and its valve head is admitted to each bottling. The liquid in the liquid box is supplied by feeding device,and then it is delivered through the filling valve to each empty bottle. After the bottle is filled, the installation of the star dial wheel deliver
-ed them to the conveyor belt and then sent to the next working procedure.
    This article describes the basic theory, working principle, structure and transmission part of the filling machine. The use of UG software renders 3D visual effects by drawing its 3D graph.

    Key words:filling machine; filling valve; star thumbwheel; transmission device

摘  要 VII
Abstract VIII
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的设计内容和意义 1
1.2 本课题的国内外发展概况 1
1.3 本课题应达到的要求 2
2 液体灌装机主体机构的方案设计 3
2.1 灌装机的概述 3
2.1.1 液体灌装机的分类 3
2.1.2 液体灌装机的选择原则 5
2.1.3 灌装的基本方法 6
2.2 灌装机的总体方案 7
2.3 灌装机的供料装置 7
2.4 灌装机的供瓶装置 8
2.4.1 螺旋限位装置 8
2.4.2 星形拨瓶轮装置 8
2.5 灌装机的托瓶机构 9
2.6 灌装机的灌装阀 10
2.6.1灌装阀的定量方法 10
2.6.2 灌装阀的灌装原理 12
2.6.3 灌装阀的密封 13
3 灌装机传动部分的设计计算 14
3.1 电动机的选择 14
3.2 减速器的选择 15
3.3 带传动的设计 15
3.4 中心轴的设计 18
3.4.1 中心轴的材料 18
3.4.2 中心轴的安装 19
3.4.3 中心轴的结构尺寸 20
3.4.4 中心轴的计算 21
3.4.5 轴上键的选择 23
3.5 中心轴齿轮的设计 24
3.5.1 齿轮的材料 24
3.5.2 齿轮的计算 25
3.6 锥齿轮的设计计算 30
3.7 本章小结 35
4 灌装机的设备调试与维护 36
4.1设备调试 36
4.2设备维护 36
5 PLC控制系统的设计 38
5.1 PLC的定义与选择 38
5.2可编程控制器的基本组成 39
5.2.1 CPU单元 39
5.2.2 存储器 40
5.2.3 I/O单元及I/O扩展接口 40
5.2.4 外设接口 41
5.2.5电源 41
5.3可编程控制器的主要特点 42
5.4 可编程控制器的发展趋势 44
5.5 可编程控制器的工作原理 45
6.PLC的编程及应用 47
6.1 PLC编程方法 47
6.2 PLC编程的基本方法 47
6.3典型控制程序 47
7.顺序控制及状态转移图 47
7.1顺序控制 47
7.2  状态转移图的设计法 48
7.3  状态转移的实现 48
7.4  画状态转移图的一般步骤 48
8.饮料罐装生产流水线控制系统设计 49
8.1 设计目的 49
8.2 动作要求 49
8.3 传感器的选择 50
8.4  I/O 分配表 51
8.5 硬件连接图 52
9 结论与展望 53
9.1结论 53
9.2不足之处及未来展望 53
致  谢 54
参考文献 55
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  • 关键词 PLC 饮料 灌装机 结构 控制系统
  • 上一篇:西门子PLC与数控机床的Profibus DP通信
  • 下一篇:基于时间的水泵疲劳测试系统设计
  • 暂无购买记录



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