


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥304
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-25)
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    LNG is a clean, efficient and high quality energy, development of gas industry to optimize energy structure, protect the ecological environment, improve the national economy plays an important role. In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, our country resources increasingly scarce, LNG as a clean energy, after the gasoline and diesel combustion emissions, compared to less emissions of LNG, and LNG has a large energy density, convenient transportation, good safety and economic benefit is remarkable, the LNG as vehicle fuel is widely used in traffic and transportation, makes the rapid development of LNG vehicle in China and obtain more significant economic benefits, environmental benefits.
    The skid-mounted LNG stations design USES LNG vehicle LPG stations is LNG cryogenic storage tank, and angry machine, low temperature pump and unloading supercharger, pipes, control valves and other equipment installed in one lump sum, highly integrated, easy installation, flexible, safe and reliable, easy to operate etc., mainly used for LNG automobile gas project promotion and other small-scale customer development. LNG skid car LPG station technology and the construction in our country is still at the stage of development.
    This article through the analysis of the basic data and calculation, complete LNG stations location selection, the determination of gas process and the selection of equipment in the process. Realize the reasonable design of LNG stations.
Keywords: LNG;stations determine process;equipment selection process







目  录
摘要 III
目  录 3
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 建设LNG加气站的意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
2 设计说明 4
2.1 概述 4
2.2 设计原则 4
2.3 地址选择 5
2.4 建站模式 5
2.5 设计规模 6
3.1卸车流程 8
3.2调压流程 12
3.3 加气流程 14
3.5总工艺流程图 15
4 设备的选型 17
4.1 LNG储罐  17
4.2LNG低温泵  20
4.3 加气机  22
4.4增压化气器 24
4.5 LNG管道设计 26
4.6 EAG加热器 30
4.7 管材设计绝热方式的选择  31
5 LCNG设计 33
5.1工艺流程 33
5.2主要工艺设备选型 33
5.3工艺管道设计 37
5.4吹扫与试压 38
5.5管道焊缝检验 38
5.6管道防腐 39
6 BOG的回收工艺 40
6.1 产生BOG的原因 40
6.2 BOG气体的危险性 40
6.3 本站BOG量的计算 40
7 站址的选择 45
8 平面布置图 48
9 消防设计  50
9.1 设计原则 50
10 结论 52
参考文献 53
致谢 54



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  • 关键词 成都 周边 液化 天然气 加气
  • 上一篇:城市化背景下农民集体土地所有权实现方式研究
  • 下一篇:成都输油站区域性阴极保护工程设计
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