


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥305
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

The design of the subject is: on the supply of 15,000 m3 of compressed natural gas (CNG) filling stations design. The main contents of the relevant data is based on natural gas as well as the design specifications for natural gas measurement, voltage regulator, desulfurization, dehydration, compression, storage, the choice of the main parameters of the calculation, and process pipe flow, pipe diameter, wall thickness, in detail calculation process to calculate and write.
The design specification, including a total of 13 parts: the first introduced some of the major projects on compressed natural gas filling stations in the background, the need for project construction, The second part of the main character of the CNG filling stations and calculation of parameters of a specific analysis, to build CNG filling stations reached the critical pressure and critical temperature, The third part is the scale of construction; fourth part is the location of natural gas filling stations, the station building conditions; fifth introduced some of the major stations of the total planning and design of the implementation of the main standards and regulations; Part VI is the design of the most important aspects on process stations, the characteristics of technology programs, as well as selection of process equipment, pipe, pipe valves, as well as anti-corrosion and concrete in accordance with the design of stations the size of the volume of the gas supply to a variety of Selection computing equipment and a variety of pipe fittings, the choice of instruments. The first is based on gas volume, determined by calculating the compressor, and then depending on the chosen displacement compressor regulator station in order to carry out major equipment (such as filters, voltage regulator, as well as the regulator before and after the pipe) option, the buffer tank size selection, the calculation of the compressor after the pipeline option, choose gas wells and gas wells in the design calculation and optimization of gas wells. And the design of the gas wells and gas wells in the calculation optimization; gas tank recovery options, and the inflatable air-flow and increase the choice of the calculation. Part 7 to 13, introduced some of the major stations of the supporting facilities, including pipeline fire facilities, industrial hygiene and safety in production, green and communications, energy conservation and rational utilization of resources, environmental protection, etc.
Keywords: filling stations; compressor; dehydration device; gas wells; filling machine
目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 总论 1
1.1 项目名称 1
1.2 编制依据和原则 1
1.3 施工及验收执行的主要规范 2
1.4 项目建设的背景及建设的必要性 2
1.5 项目概况 5
2 气源及市场分析 6
2.1 气源状况 6
2.2 气质参数 6
2.3 天然气基本性质 7
2.4 压力等级 9
3 建设规模 10
3.1 建设规模的确定原则 10
3.2 推荐建设规模及理由 10
4 项目选址 10
4.1 站址选择 10
4.2 场站建设条件 11
5 总图设计 12
5.1 设计执行的主要标准及规范 12
5.2 总平面设计 12
5.3 竖向设计 12
6 工艺 13
6.1 设计执行的主要标准及规范 13
6.2 成品气气质要求 13
6.3 工艺流程简述 13
6.4 工艺方案特点 14
6.5 工艺计算 15
6.6 工艺设备选型 23
6.7 工艺布置 31
6.8 管材﹑管阀件及防腐 32
6.9 焊缝检验及试压、吹扫 33
7 监控与数据采集系统 34
7.1 设计依据 34
7.2 设计内容 34
7.3 系统配置及自控方案 34
7.4 仪表选型 35
7.5 通信 35
8 消防 35
8.1执行的主要标准及规范 35
8.2工程概况 36
8.3 消防 36
9 安全生产与工业卫生 37
9.1 设计依据 37
9.2 工程概述 38
9.3 生产过程职业危险、危害因素分析 38
9.4 安全措施方案 39
9.5 安全机构设置及人员配置 41
10 环境保护 41
10.1 执行的环境保护标准 41
10.2 环境保护说明 41
11节约能源和合理利用能源 43
11.1 用能特点及节能原则 43
11.2 能耗构成分析 43
11.3 节能措施 43
12 结论 43
13 总结 44
14 参考文献 45

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[5] 段常贵主编. 燃气输配. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2001
[6] 付祥钊,王岳人主编. 流体输配管网. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2001 
[7] 厉玉鸣主编. 化工仪表及自动化. 北京:化学工业出版社,1999
[8] 黄国洪主编. 燃气工程施工. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社,1994
[9]《煤气设计编手册》编写组. 煤气设计手册. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1983
[10] 重庆建筑大学等合编. 燃气生产与净化. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1992


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  • 关键词 绵阳 环路 加油 加气 工程设计
  • 上一篇:某电机修造厂总降压变电所及高压配电系统设计
  • 下一篇:(药学毕业论文写作)康佰家大药房促销方案
  • 暂无购买记录



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