


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
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摘    要




Design of Flue Gas Dusting and Desulfurization System of 220t/h Coal Fired Steam Boiler


China's air pollution is mainly fuliginous. SO2 and particulate pollutants are two major pollutants causing great harm to the natural environment and humans. Particle pollution and acid rain pollution formed have affected China's economic and social sustainability. Therefore, coal-fired boiler flue gas dust removal and desulfurization process is developed to make the concentration of pollutants in flue gas reach the national standard and then reduce pollutants emission. Controlling the coal-smoke pollution effectively is of great significance to improve air quality, i.e., to reduce acid rain and SO2 harm in our country.
Firstly, this paper introduces the main domestic and foreign flue gas desulphurization and dust removal technology. Select a boiler flue gas desulfurization and dust removal system which is suitable for 220t/h coal fired steam boiler by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various desulphurization and dust removal technologies. The dusting and desulfurization system can make the flue gas emissions, dust content, sulfur content in the flue gas comply with national requirements and technical status. This work selects two dust collectors with the cyclone as the first one and the electrostatic precipitator as the second one integrated with magnesium oxide desulfurization process.
Secondly, this design will calculate the size and select the device type of the main devices of the system, such as cyclone, electrostatic precipitator, desulfurization tower, chimney and pipeline. This paper chooses CLP/B-27.5-X type cyclone, 45/3-CDPK type electrostatic precipitator, G4-73-12D type draft fan, and two Y315M2-4 type motors. At last, main equipments and process flow diagram are drawn based on all above.

Key words: coal fired flue gas, cyclone, electrostatic precipitator, magnesium desulfurization, pipeline calculation

1 绪论 6
1.1 脱硫技术发展现状 7
1.1.1 燃烧前脱硫 7
1.1.2 燃烧中脱硫 7
1.1.3 燃烧后脱硫[3] 8
1.2 除尘技术发展现状[9~10] 9
1.2.1 机械式除尘技术 9
图1.2 离心式除尘器 10
1.2.2 静电除尘技术 10
1.2.3 过滤式除尘技术[15] 11
1.2.4 湿式除尘技术[17] 12
1.3 方案论证 12
1.3.1 设计原始资料 12
1.3.2 技术路线 13
1.3.3 方案选择 14
2 一级除尘工艺计算 14
2.1 一级除尘工艺选择 14
2.2 烟气量、烟尘和二氧化硫浓度计算 15
2.2.1 烟气量计算[20] 15
2.2.2 烟气含尘浓度 17
2.2.3 烟气中二氧化硫浓度 17
2.3 一级除尘器计算[21] 18
2.3.1 一级除尘器尺寸计算 18
2.3.2 一级除尘器效率计算 20
3.物料衡算 21
3.1物料衡算计算条件的确定 22
3.3水溶液全循环法流程物料衡算 25
3.4压缩系统的物料衡算 25
合成系统的物料衡算 27
4 脱硫工艺计算 30
4.1 脱硫工艺方案选择 30
4.2 吸收塔尺寸计算 32
4.2.1 吸收塔需要的吸收效率 32
4.2.2 吸收塔内部烟气特性计算 33
4.2.3 吸收区尺寸计算 35
4.2.4 除雾区尺寸 36
4.2.5 浆液池高度 36
4.2.6 吸收塔总高 37
4.2.7 其他计算 38
5 烟囱工艺计算 38
5.1 烟囱内烟气特性 38
5.2 烟囱内烟气流速 39
5.3 烟囱几何高度 39
5.3.1 烟囱出口处风速 39
5.3.2 烟尘有效源高度 40
5.3.3 二氧化硫有效源高度 40
5.3.4 烟气抬升高度 41
5.3.5 烟囱几何高度 41
5.4 其他计算 41
5.4.1 烟囱底部宽度 42
5.4.2 烟囱阻力损失 42
6 阻力计算及风机、电动机选型 42
6.1 管道内径计算 42
6.1.1 管道内径 42
6.1.2 管道实际内径 43
6.1.3 管道内流速校核 43
6.2 管道摩擦阻力计算 43
6.2.1 脱硫前管道摩擦阻力损失 44
6.2.2 脱硫后管道摩擦阻力损失 44
6.3 管道局部压力损失 44
6.3.1 渐缩管局部压力损失 45
6.3.2 渐扩管局部压力损失 45
6.3.3 90°弯头弯管局部压力损失 47
6.4 烟气压力总损失 47
6.5 风机选择 48
6.5.1 风机风量 48
6.5.2 风机风压 48
7 总结与展望 50
7.1 总结 50
参考文献 51



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  • 关键词 220th 燃煤 锅炉 烟气 脱硫 工程设计
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