


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥305
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
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                摘 要

关键词:温度检测 A/D转换 压力检测 PID控制;
This paper introduces the 51 microcontroller as the core temperature and pressure system of the working principle and design method. Temperature signal chip DS18B20 collection by the temperature, with digital signal transmitted to the form of single chip microcomputer; Pressure by level sensor signal pressure of real time data collection, with an analog form transfer to the single chip microcomputer, microcontroller through the A/D conversion, converted into digital signals, calculation and treatment will temperature, pressure, water level information displayed in the LCD monitor, the paper introduces the hardware part of the control system, including: temperature detection circuit, temperature control circuit, pressure detection circuit, pressure control circuit and other single chip microcomputer interface circuit. The paper also introduces software design part, here the modularized structure programming. Software is mainly three parts: the main program, keyboard interrupt and key processing program, prearcing interruption program. The other one XieZi programs include: temperature signal processing program, show program, PID processing procedure, etc.
    This system can to the boiler temperature and water level of the full automation control, not only save thehuman resource, and at the same time use electric heating system, more energy efficient, more environmental protection and is more a feasibility.

Keywords:Temperature detection  A/D conversion  Water pressure test  PID control

                    目   录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及现状 1
1.2 发展前景 1
1.3 系统的总体设计思想 2
2 锅炉温度和压力控制系统主要器件选择 4
2.1系统结构总框图 4
2.2 单片机的选择 4
2.3 温度传感器 7
2.4 压力传感器 9
2.5 A/D转换器 11
3 锅炉温度和压力控制系统硬件电路的设计 14
3.1 最小单片机系统 14
3.1.1 晶振电路 14
3.1.2 复位电路 14
3.2 温度采集模块设计 15
3.3温度控制电路设计 16
3.4压力检测电路设计 17
3.5键盘及显示电路 18
3.6 报警电路设计 20
3.7稳压电源电路设计 21
4 系统软件设计 22
4.1控制算法研究 22
4.2系统总流程图设计 23
4.3 温度和压力检测程序流程图设计 24
4.4键盘输入子程序流程图设计 25
4.5显示子程序流程图 26
4.6外部中断程序流程图 27
5 结论 28
致  谢 29
附图:系统原理总图 30
附录:代码编写 31
参考文献 38

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  • 关键词 单片机 新型 燃油 锅炉 控制系统
  • 上一篇:基于单片机LED彩灯控制系统设计
  • 下一篇:基于MSP430单片机温湿度检测系统
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