


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥306
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


目  录

摘要 I

第1章  绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 设计简介 2
第2章  系统电路的设计方案 3
2.1 系统设计方案的提出 3
2.2 方案的确定 3
2.3 本章小结 3
第3 章  电路设计原理及芯片介绍 4
3.1 键盘控制及显示电路设计的原理及要求 4
3.1.1 电路的设计原理与功能要求 4
3.1.2 电路的总设计框图 4
3.2 总电路选用芯片简介 4
3.2.1 控制芯片AT89S52 4
3.3  LED显示原理介绍 11
3.4  键盘控制原理介绍 14
3.4.1 键盘的工作原理 14
3.4.2 独立式键盘 17
3.5 本章小结 20
第4章  键盘控制及显示硬件电路实现 21
4.1  LED显示电路设计 21
4.2  独立按键键盘的电路设计 22
4.3  硬件的焊接 23
4.3.1  硬件的焊接 23
4.3.2  电路板的检查和故障排除 24
4.4 本章小结 24
第5 章  键盘控制及显示电路软件设计 26
5.1 软件设计的基本工具 26
5.1.1 汇编语言的简介 26
5.1.2 汇编语言的指令系统与程序 26
5.1.3  keilC51开发软件简介 28
5.2 独立式键盘软件设计 28
5.2.1 软件设计流程图 29
5.3 键盘控制及显示电路设计软件实现总流程图 29
5.3.1 总流程图 29
5.4 本章小结 30
结  论 31
致  谢 32
参考文献 33
附录1 外文资料 34
附录2 电路原理图 37
附录3 汇编源程序 38
附录4 元件清单 45
1  杨素行.模拟电子技术基础.清华大学电子教研组.1998:492-518
2  李士平.北京电子报.北京电子报社98合订本下.1998
3  赵保经.中国集成电路大全.国防工业出版社.1989:79-82
4  童诗白.现代电子学及应用.东南大学出版社.1997:23-34
5  童诗白.模拟电子技术基础.高等教育出版社.1988:55-78
6. 晓 喻.电子制作.中国家用电器维修协会.1999:15-18
7  翟德富.家用电路手册.机械工业出版社.2001:56-60
8  陈克安.集成电路速查大全.西安电子科技出版社.1996:153-155
9  于洪沿.常用电子元件简明手册.中国矿业大学出版社.1985:345-347
10 肖景和.数字集成电路应用精粹.人民邮电出版社.1995:67-70
11 刘京南、王成华.电子电路基础.北京电子工业出版社.1998:271-293
12 余孟尝.数字电子技术基础.清华大学电子教研组.1999:371-390
13 邹寿彬.电子技术基础.高等教育出版社.1997:45-66
14  闫石主.数字电子技术基础.高等教育出版社.1989:56-146
15 AdelS.Sedra and Kenneth.Smith.Microelectronic Circuits,4rd,Oxford University Press.Inc.1998:35-40
16  Jacob Millman and Arvin Grabel:Microelectronics, 2nd ed, Mc Graw-Hill Book Company,New York.1987:156-172
17 Paul Mr.Brown,Jr: A Guide to analog Asics,Academic Press,Inc,San Diego.1992:86-91
附录1 外文资料
汇编的源文件是一个标准的 ASCII 码文件,任何文本编辑如EDLIN 、WORDSTAR等都可以编写,FAST MAP对于源文件书写格式有一定要求。文件的第一行要求大写字母给出GAL器件的型号,“PLD16V8”或“PLD20V8”,这一行不能省略;第二行给出GAL器件的逻辑名称,可根据需要填写,也可以省略掉,键入回车。第四行应写明设计者的姓名,同样也可以省略键入回车。但这四行一定要保留,管脚定义从第五行开始否则不能通过汇编扫描。从第五行开始是定义器件的管脚名称,管脚名称可以使用不含前面提到符号或字串,定义时只需将管脚的序号依次排列即可,而不必考虑这些名称是否写在同一行里(如果写在同一行里,两个管脚名之间应该用空格分开)。管脚定义完成之后就可以书写布尔表达式,布尔表达式中只 能FAST  MAP所支持的3种关系符,根据GAL器件型号,每一个布尔表达式最多有8个“或”项,逻辑关系需要用户化简并且FAST  MAP不支持“(  )”。 逻辑表过式是否正确,GAL 内部的逻辑关系及管脚排列是否合理,不但与用户的书写格式有关,而且与GAL的内部结构有关,因此使用者想正确使用FAST MAP还必须通过器件手册了解清楚 GAL的内部结构。当所有布尔表达式书写完毕以后,应以一个“DESCRIPTION”通知FAST MAP结束汇编过程,并适当追加注释,以提高汇编程序的可读性。 每一行都必须顶头开始书写。

The assembly source document is a standard ASCII code document, any textual edit like EDLIN, WORDSTAR and so on may compile, FAST MAP has certain request regarding the source document writing form. The document first line of request capital letter gives the GAL component's model, “PLD16V8” or “PLD20V8”, this line cannot abbreviate; The second line gives the GAL component's logical name, may according to need to fill, may also abbreviate falls, enters the carriage return. The fourth line should write plainly that designer's name, similarly may also abbreviate enters the carriage return. But these four lines must certainly retain, otherwise the base pin definition starts from the fifth line not to be able through the assembly scanning. Starts from the fifth line is defines component's base pin name, the base pin name may use including front did not mention mark or string, when definition only need arrange in turn base pin's serial number then, but does not need to consider whether these names do write in the identical line (, if writes in identical line, between two base pin names should use blank space to separate). After the base pin definition completes, may write the Boolean expression, in the Boolean expression can only FAST MAP support 3 kind of relational symbols, according to the GAL component model, each Boolean expression have 8 most much “or” the item, the logical relation need the user to simplify, and FAST MAP does not support “()”. Logic has shown -like to be whether correct, the GAL internal logical relation and the base pin arrange whether reasonably, not only with user's written form related, moreover with GAL internal structure related, therefore the user wants to use FAST MAP also to correctly understand clear GAL through the component handbook the internal structure. After all Boolean expression writing finished, should “DESCRIPTION” inform FAST by one MAP conclusion assembly process, and the suitable supplement annotation, enhanced the assembly program the readability. Each itinerant must start to write head

MCU的嵌入式开发是与传统的MCU开发方式相对应的开发方式,传统的开发方式是采用仿真MCU(例如:我们目前常见的51系列开发装置,就是利用仿真装置的MCU的插头在插在应用板的MCU插座上,用仿真器代替应用板上的MCU),这类仿真器对于DIP和PLCC封装的MCU,同时MCU的工作时钟较低时,是十分有效的,但是对于表贴的MCU就不一定适用(当然可以用表贴的接插件,但价格很贵,只适应用于开发用)。MCU的嵌入式开发是指MCU自身内嵌仿真调功能,如JTAG,BDM接口和软件的monitor。在开发这一类MCU时只需要一根JTAG线或者RSS232 TO TTL 线就行了。 MCU的嵌入式开发将集应用与开发一体,它是一种非常有效的新型开发方式,目前许多MCU,如:ARM TI的DSP,C80C51F M430 一部份AVR......。等都是具用的JTAG开发方式。JTAG已成为IEEE标准。 至于采用UART的monitor方式算不算嵌入式开,我想这是一个定义问题。但这种方式也是一种有效的方式,如富士通的MB90FXX,KEIL 51中的ISD51,和一些ARM开发都是采用UART与软件接合进得的。

The MCU embedded development is the development way which corresponds with the traditional MCU development way, the traditional development way is uses simulation MCU (e.g.: We the common 51 series development installment, is at present in inserts using the simulation installment MCU plug on the application board MCU plug, replaces on the application board with the simulator MCU), this kind of simulator regarding DIP and PLCC seal MCU, when the MCU work clock is simultaneously low, is very effective, but pastes regarding the table MCU not necessarily is suitable (may certainly use connector which table pastes, but price is very expensive, only adapts uses in developing uses). the MCU embedded development is refers to MCU own to inlay the simulation to adjust the function, like JTAG, BDM connection and software's monitor. When develops this kind of MCU only needed a JTAG line or RSS232 TO the TTL line is good. the MCU embedded development applies the collection and develops a body, it is one very effective new development way, at present many MCU, for example: ARM TI DSP, C80C51F M430 partial AVR ....... And so on is JTAG which has uses develops the way. JTAG has become the IEEE standard. as for uses UART the monitor way to calculate embedded opens, I thought that this is a definition question. But this way is also one effective way, if Fujitsu's MB90FXX, KEIL 51 ISD51, uses UART and the software with some ARM development joins.

  • 关键词 AT89S52 单片机 74HC595 XXX
  • 上一篇:MCS-51单片机智能温度控制系统设计
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