


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥316
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内 容 摘 要


关键词:一带一路   福建自贸区   SWOT分析法   闽台经贸关系

Under the theory of "area" free trade area of fujian's impact on trade and economic cooperation between fujian and Taiwan


"13th Five-Year" planning outline for promoting "The Belt and Road construction to speed up the implementation of the FTA strategy. Fujian FTA shouldering the important mission of our country Taiwan pilot, is an important node in the realization of" The Belt and Road "strategy. The policy of communication facilities around, Unicom, trade flow, financing, bilateral or multilateral cooperation mechanism of people connected the establishment of free trade zone in Fujian. Both the world economic development needs, is also China's major initiatives to further expand the opening to the outside world, in view of the special geographical advantage of the Fujian Free Trade Zone, as the new FTA, its role and significance.
Fujian Maritime Silk Road as a starting point, geographical advantages are obvious, its positioning is the core of economic development with the regional advantage to Taiwan. In Fuzhou, the strategic positioning of Xiamen and Pingtan three kilometer clear, which further promote economic integration between Fujian and achieve development, radiation to the inland areas of economic development. Firstly, the current study clearly "the current situation of the development of free trade zone Belt and Road Initiative" strategy, and the related literatures involved are elaborated; secondly, the introduction of the establishment of the Fujian Free Trade Zone, clearly pointed out by Fujian since trade district advantage to Taiwan the positive development of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation, deepen cross-strait economic integration and docking" The Belt and Road "development strategy; thirdly, analysis the effect of SWOT on the development of Fujian FTA between Fujian and Taiwan, and the existing problems are analyzed; finally, according to the Fujian free trade area of the Fujian Taiwan economic and trade development put forward policy suggestions.
Keywords: One Belt And One Road Free trade area of fujian SWOT economic and trade relations between fujian and Taiwan

目    录

一、引言 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究目的 1
(三)研究方法 1
二、文献综述 3
三、“一带一路”与福建自贸区简介 5
(一)“一带一路”与自由贸易区的概念 5
(二)“一带一路”国内外背景 5
(三)福建自贸区的建立 6
四、福建自贸试验区发展对闽台影响的SWOT分析 8
(一)优势分析(Strength) 8
(二)劣势分析(Weakness) 9
(三)机遇分析(Opportunity) 10
(四)威胁分析(Threat) 11
五、试验中福建自贸区发展闽台经贸存在的问题 12
(一)福建自贸区发展闽台经贸现存问题分析 12
(二)福建自贸区亟需破解的难题 14
六、福建自贸区对闽台政策的建议 16
(一)坚守闽台互荣共利,依靠“实力”赢取发展 16
(二)转变经济发展方式,提高两岸经贸合作水平 16
(三)利用对台区位优势,完善内外交通网络建设 17
(四)推进政府职能转型,实现体制机制联动升级 17
结论 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20


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