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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥318
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The Maintenance Process of Dongfeng-Nissan New Generation Teana Sedans Automobile
Abstract:At present, with the development of social economy and the automobile manufacturing industry, the number of private cars increased quickly, ordinary citizens to own a car is no longer eager to not make.The Teana models have a long history ,New generation Teana unique design concept, in appearance, dynamic and interior have attractive advantages,Loved by the majority of buyers.First of all,This paper discusses the safety and performance of various quality problems such as buyers are concerned in the purchase of new generation Teana car,4S shop to analyze the sale of new cars to produce the PDI check list, in order to ensure the quality of the car to the customer ,In order to ensure the quality of the car to the customer .At last, the paper introduces how the car owner can ensure the new car as far as possible to maintain its original power, safety and performance and other aspects of knowledge. The daily maintenance and regular maintenance of the car owners can make the car better to be used, to ensure the performance of the vehicle has important practical significance.
Keywords: Dongfeng Nissan; Teana;; Preserve; Maintenance.

目         录
  1.毕业设计论文..................................................  1
  2.第一章 东风日产新世代天籁轿车的介绍...........................  1
        第1节  品牌历史.......................................... 1
        第2节  新世代天籁的设计理念与特点........................ 3
        第3节  品牌荣誉.......................................... 4
   第二章  新车PDI检查.................................. ....... 6
       第1节  静态检查.................................. ....... 6
   第2节  动态检查........................................... 8
       第3节  最终检查........................................... 10
   第三章  日常维护............................................... 12
       第1节  车辆外部维护....................................... 12
       第2节  车辆内部........................................... 13
       第3节  良好的驾驶习惯..................................... 14
  第四章  定期保养................................................ 16
      第1节  保养流程............................................ 16
  第2节  保养的分类.......................................... 17
      第3节  保养的基本项目...................................... 18
      第4节  保养的误区和禁忌.................................... 24
 第五章  维护与保养的意义......................................... 27
3.致谢............................................................ 29
4.参考文献.................................................. 30

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  • 关键词 写作 世代 保养 维护 轿车 天籁 ) 汽车保养 ( 新世代 日产 东风 论文 工艺 工艺流程
  • 上一篇:(写作汽车制动系统论文)汽车制动系统简述分析与维护
  • 下一篇:中国汽车儿童安全座椅市场现状分析及前景预测
  • 暂无购买记录



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