Design of Inspection and repair of the Audi A6L gearbox
Abstract : The detection and maintenance method strategy of the Audi A6L gearbox is more complicated, and once the gearbox fails, it will bring great challenges to the maintenance technician and put forward high requirements for the car maintenance personnel. Therefore, it is very necessary to master the structural functions, advantages and disadvantages of its gearbox and maintenance and testing methods. Firstly, the research purpose of this paper is summarized, as well as the development history of Audi cars and the development process in China. Secondly, the introduction of the gearbox includes: the concept of the gearbox, its role, the working principle and the classification of the gearbox. Then, taking the dual-clutch transmission of Audi A6L as an example, the structure and working principle of dual-clutch transmission and the advantages and disadvantages of dual-clutch transmission are expounded. Combined with the workshop manual and examples, the common fault phenomena of the Audi A6L gearbox are illustrated; The gearbox is rattled with abnormal noise, the gearbox overheats, and the gearbox accelerates weakly. Finally, combined with the common failure cases of Audi A6L gearbox, the analysis is made, and the corresponding troubleshooting methods are proposed.
Keywords: Audi A6L; dual-clutch gearbox; Structural principle; Overhaul; Case study.
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究目的及意义 1
1.2奥迪汽车发展历程 1
1.3研究内容 4
第二章 变速箱简介 5
2.1变速箱的概念 5
2.2变速箱的工作原理 5
2.3变速箱的作用 5
2.4变速箱分类 6
第三章 奥迪A6L变速箱的常见故障 11
3.1双离合变速箱的工作原理 11
3.2双离合变速器的优缺点: 12
3.3奥迪A6L变速箱的常见故障 13
第四章变速箱的常见故障维修技术方法 15
4.1奥迪A6L变速箱异响抖动 15
4.2奥迪A6L变速箱过热 16
4.3加速无力,高转速低速度。以及在3升4过程中有明显的顿挫感 18
第五章 总结与展望 22
5.1 总结 22
5.2展望 22
5.3 本人受益 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题研究目的及意义
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